*Cuts up to Manakuro Marakuso in a makeshift Spunk Pro interview zone, wearing a 'Dragon Suplex' shirt, holding a microphone as 001 stands behind him in a darkened room, 001 slumping near the corner breathing heavily*
Marakuso: This is Manakuro Marakuso alongside Spunk Pro Heavyweight contender 001. 001 is best known for being Jesus X's mysterious, monsterous enforcer, and now has defected and has set out on a mission of revenge against Jesus X. But the whole story isn't exactly clear, 001... Who exactly are you?
*He shifts a little bit, his chest puffing up and falling every few seconds, as the only sound coming from him is heavy breathing*
Marakuso: I know this is difficult, but the whole world is wondering...
*001 pulls Marakuso's hand with the mic close to his face, as he continues to breath heavily, this time into the mic*
001: I... I don't know..
*His voice comes out muffled and hoarse, making it sound like his vocal chords have been chopped to shreds and reassembled with only electrical tape and some glue*
Marakuso: Well, why are you here? Do you remember anything?
001: Jesus...
*He pauses, as he stares Marakuso in the eye from behind his mask*
001: My first memory... His voice.. Arg!
*He clutches at his head and withdraws from Marakuso, as Marakuso backs away a bit*
Marakuso: I'm sorry... I know this is difficult, we are just trying to understand.
*Marakuso puts his hand on his shoulder, as he pushes him off, exploding off the wall with rage*
*He smashes his fist into the lockers next to him, putting a large dent into them, now fixing his grip on them and shaking them back and forth, tipping them over with a loud crash as Marakuso scrambles to get out of the way. 001 is smashing everything in sight now, as officials run in trying to restrain him, only for him to toss them all around like rag dolls*
Marakuso: C'mon! Stop! This isn't the way to tell your story! You are letting him win this way!
*001 drops the ring boy he was holding by the collar of his shirt, lowering his fist as the boy scrambles off, only to turn to Marakuso and grab him by the shirt, raising his fist, only for a gloved hand from behind to catch his fist as he was about to strike Marakuso. 001 turns around only to see Locust Star standing there. The two masked men stare each other down, with Locust Star pointing at Marakuso, then at 001, with 001 letting go of Marakuso, then getting toe to toe with Locust Star. Locust Star pats 001 on the shoulder, then turns his back to him and walks away, as 001 is breathing heavily, intently staring down the hallway at him walking away as Marakuso composes himself and backs away slowly*
The Last Temptation of Christ Card Announced
Coming in June!
Spunk Pro -- The Last Temptation of Christ
1. AVN Championship: Pete Bartfarti vs Nickelangelo (C)
-- Pete has haunted Nickelangelo and the 3GK for what seems like ages now, taking the coveted AVN Championship off of Nickelangelo, only for Nick to win it back in a tag team match. This, my friends, shall be the rubber match between the two, except bareback, no rubbers involved.
2. #1 Contendership Evo-01 Tag: RE.Volution (Tomohiro Ito/Jun Mochizuki) vs Strike Force (Brad Wolf/Lee Stone)
-- RE.Volution is the mastermind of Tomohiro Ito. Sick of waiting on the sidelines to be booked and considered a big deal, he and his long term partner Jun Mochizuki spent time training and refining their styles before deciding to make a huge splash on Spunk Pro. Strike Force takes acception to this, as Brad Wolf was a dominant International Champion, and his partner Lee Stone has proven to be a tough bastard. Both teams want the limelight, but only one can take it.
3. Evo-01 Tag - 2/3 Falls: LRI (Stuart Robinson/VD Dod)(C) vs Spunk-Gun (YUSUKE/Shogo Otsuka)
-- LRI need no introduction. The titles themselves were won at Evo-01 over 2 years ago alongside Fat Lip as trios titles. Fat Lip soon retired from pro-wrestling and Stuart and VD decided to keep the titles, letting Fat Lip retire a champion while they still defended the belts. LRI lost the titles to Hando and Dink later on, but after Hando disappeared, LRI reclaimed the titles as their own. LRI have made a splash on Spunk Pro, with Spunk-Gun defending the honor of Spunk Pro, and wanting to give those titles a true, comfortable home.
4. Deathmatch: DiNk vs DEMOS
-- DEMOS, upon his debut put a huge beating on Martha Dumptruck, causing her unborn child to die, thus spawning one of the biggest heels in recent history. Dink's path to redemption for the death of his unborn son is a rocky road for a young, quasi-retarded Jeff Hardy fan just discovering TNA, and his ability to try to speak like a normal human being. At Int.Design DiNk pulled up a huge upset victory over DEMOS, only to upset DEMOS more to set up this deathmatch. Recently DEMOS brought clippers to the ring and cut the hair of Tom Johnson, a Young Dragon and threatened to do the same to Dink. Rumors of a Mascara Contra Caballeros match have been running around, but no official challenge has been laid down yet, but DEMOS is set to embarass Dink into retirement.
5. Spunk Pro Int: Bobo "T" Gomez (C) vs Jimmy Snotz
-- The T-Team's bruiser of a defender set to defend his title from one of Bozac Pro's invaders, Jimmy Snotz.
6. T-Team (Mr. T/Lester "T" Bourbon) vs Bozac-Gun (Druid/Bee-Man)
-- Will Lester finally be able to close the chapter of his career that has haunted him since entering Spunk Pro, putting Bozac Pro to rest? The T-Team squares off with the founders of Bozac-Gun in what should be a war.
7. Locust Star vs D
-- D at this point is a lost soul. His relationship with the Ministry seems cloudy, and this violent masked Locust Star has haunted his every step over the past few months. Will D finally be able to relax?
8. Spunk Pro Tag: Physical Speceminz (Jewberg/Tom)(C) vs WT Stereotypes (Alabama Dan/Hobo Joe)
-- Quite possibly the biggest tag match in Spunk Pro history, with the WT Stereotypes given the chance to show why they have been the most dominant and popular tag team in Spunk Pro history in hopes of regaining the titles from the PS boys, and sending them packing.
9. Spunk Pro Heavyweight: Jesus X (C) vs 001
-- 001's origins are obscured by his mask and his memory, but what is clear is that Jesus X no longer wishes for him to exist. Jesus X at the time of this defense will have held the title for 18 months straight, and with his Ministry growing with younger, more athletic prospects, his need for a large, bruiser of a bodyguard has run out. Has he finally reached his limits in challenging his ultimate creation? 001 has been able to put Jesus X away with his Infinity Bomb in a feat that only Alabama Dan has done in recent months, pinning the champion. Does 001 have his former mentor's number, or is this all an elaborate trap by Jesus X to lead to his destruction?
Spunk Pro -- The Last Temptation of Christ
1. AVN Championship: Pete Bartfarti vs Nickelangelo (C)
-- Pete has haunted Nickelangelo and the 3GK for what seems like ages now, taking the coveted AVN Championship off of Nickelangelo, only for Nick to win it back in a tag team match. This, my friends, shall be the rubber match between the two, except bareback, no rubbers involved.
2. #1 Contendership Evo-01 Tag: RE.Volution (Tomohiro Ito/Jun Mochizuki) vs Strike Force (Brad Wolf/Lee Stone)
-- RE.Volution is the mastermind of Tomohiro Ito. Sick of waiting on the sidelines to be booked and considered a big deal, he and his long term partner Jun Mochizuki spent time training and refining their styles before deciding to make a huge splash on Spunk Pro. Strike Force takes acception to this, as Brad Wolf was a dominant International Champion, and his partner Lee Stone has proven to be a tough bastard. Both teams want the limelight, but only one can take it.
3. Evo-01 Tag - 2/3 Falls: LRI (Stuart Robinson/VD Dod)(C) vs Spunk-Gun (YUSUKE/Shogo Otsuka)
-- LRI need no introduction. The titles themselves were won at Evo-01 over 2 years ago alongside Fat Lip as trios titles. Fat Lip soon retired from pro-wrestling and Stuart and VD decided to keep the titles, letting Fat Lip retire a champion while they still defended the belts. LRI lost the titles to Hando and Dink later on, but after Hando disappeared, LRI reclaimed the titles as their own. LRI have made a splash on Spunk Pro, with Spunk-Gun defending the honor of Spunk Pro, and wanting to give those titles a true, comfortable home.
4. Deathmatch: DiNk vs DEMOS
-- DEMOS, upon his debut put a huge beating on Martha Dumptruck, causing her unborn child to die, thus spawning one of the biggest heels in recent history. Dink's path to redemption for the death of his unborn son is a rocky road for a young, quasi-retarded Jeff Hardy fan just discovering TNA, and his ability to try to speak like a normal human being. At Int.Design DiNk pulled up a huge upset victory over DEMOS, only to upset DEMOS more to set up this deathmatch. Recently DEMOS brought clippers to the ring and cut the hair of Tom Johnson, a Young Dragon and threatened to do the same to Dink. Rumors of a Mascara Contra Caballeros match have been running around, but no official challenge has been laid down yet, but DEMOS is set to embarass Dink into retirement.
5. Spunk Pro Int: Bobo "T" Gomez (C) vs Jimmy Snotz
-- The T-Team's bruiser of a defender set to defend his title from one of Bozac Pro's invaders, Jimmy Snotz.
6. T-Team (Mr. T/Lester "T" Bourbon) vs Bozac-Gun (Druid/Bee-Man)
-- Will Lester finally be able to close the chapter of his career that has haunted him since entering Spunk Pro, putting Bozac Pro to rest? The T-Team squares off with the founders of Bozac-Gun in what should be a war.
7. Locust Star vs D
-- D at this point is a lost soul. His relationship with the Ministry seems cloudy, and this violent masked Locust Star has haunted his every step over the past few months. Will D finally be able to relax?
8. Spunk Pro Tag: Physical Speceminz (Jewberg/Tom)(C) vs WT Stereotypes (Alabama Dan/Hobo Joe)
-- Quite possibly the biggest tag match in Spunk Pro history, with the WT Stereotypes given the chance to show why they have been the most dominant and popular tag team in Spunk Pro history in hopes of regaining the titles from the PS boys, and sending them packing.
9. Spunk Pro Heavyweight: Jesus X (C) vs 001
-- 001's origins are obscured by his mask and his memory, but what is clear is that Jesus X no longer wishes for him to exist. Jesus X at the time of this defense will have held the title for 18 months straight, and with his Ministry growing with younger, more athletic prospects, his need for a large, bruiser of a bodyguard has run out. Has he finally reached his limits in challenging his ultimate creation? 001 has been able to put Jesus X away with his Infinity Bomb in a feat that only Alabama Dan has done in recent months, pinning the champion. Does 001 have his former mentor's number, or is this all an elaborate trap by Jesus X to lead to his destruction?
April Digest #2/May Digest #1
I've had these results sitting here for a month. I really feel like moving on and propelling things, but don't feel like doing huge write ups for this. I'm sure if you've been following you understand the gyst of what happened in each match and what it is building to. If you don't, you are either incredibly dense or you are the dude from Memento.
4.15.06 - Warwick Musical Theater, Warwick, RI -- 803 fans
1. Goat Banga (19:34 - Banga Bomb) Nickelangelo
2. Tom Johnson (3:03 - DQ) DEMOS
3. Jun Mochizuki (13:26 - Kanrakuyoha Elbow) Crimson STORM
4. Mr. T/Bobo "T" Gomez(O) (25:19 - German Suplex Hold) Bozac-Gun (Druid/Bee Man(X))
5. Hobo Joe (3:11 - Double Count Out) SuperJew
6. 001 (5:58 - Infinty Bomb) Judas X (Debut)
5.05.06 - South Jersey Parking Lot, New Jersey - 577 fans
1. AVN Championship: 3GK (Nickelangelo(O)/Renegayd/Asstacoicus) (30:21 - Nickozuna Drop) SD (Pete Batfarti(X)/Goat Banga)/Ken Hunt
2. Jun Mochizuki (23:15 - La Magistral) Power Chuck vs Crimson STORM
3. 2/3 Falls: Wataru Araya/Travis Wilkes/DiNk vs OdZ (DEMOS/RUINER/MAX)
-- OdZ (DEMOS/RUINER/MAX(O) (23:33 - Avalanche German Suplex) Wataru(X)/Wilkes/DiNK
-- OdZ (DEMOS(O)/RUINER/MAX) (9:45 - SIDS Clutch) Wataru/Wilkes(X)/DiNk
4. Stuart Robinson (19:36 - Burnerbreaker) YUSUKE
5. Mr. T(O)/001 (20:38 - B.A.D. -> KO) Jesus X/Druid(X)
4.15.06 - Warwick Musical Theater, Warwick, RI -- 803 fans
1. Goat Banga (19:34 - Banga Bomb) Nickelangelo
2. Tom Johnson (3:03 - DQ) DEMOS
3. Jun Mochizuki (13:26 - Kanrakuyoha Elbow) Crimson STORM
4. Mr. T/Bobo "T" Gomez(O) (25:19 - German Suplex Hold) Bozac-Gun (Druid/Bee Man(X))
5. Hobo Joe (3:11 - Double Count Out) SuperJew
6. 001 (5:58 - Infinty Bomb) Judas X (Debut)
5.05.06 - South Jersey Parking Lot, New Jersey - 577 fans
1. AVN Championship: 3GK (Nickelangelo(O)/Renegayd/Asstacoicus) (30:21 - Nickozuna Drop) SD (Pete Batfarti(X)/Goat Banga)/Ken Hunt
2. Jun Mochizuki (23:15 - La Magistral) Power Chuck vs Crimson STORM
3. 2/3 Falls: Wataru Araya/Travis Wilkes/DiNk vs OdZ (DEMOS/RUINER/MAX)
-- OdZ (DEMOS/RUINER/MAX(O) (23:33 - Avalanche German Suplex) Wataru(X)/Wilkes/DiNK
-- OdZ (DEMOS(O)/RUINER/MAX) (9:45 - SIDS Clutch) Wataru/Wilkes(X)/DiNk
4. Stuart Robinson (19:36 - Burnerbreaker) YUSUKE
5. Mr. T(O)/001 (20:38 - B.A.D. -> KO) Jesus X/Druid(X)
April Digest Episode #1
Taped 4.2 - CCRI Knight Campus Gymnasium 1 - 645 fans
The show kicks off with the SEXUAL DEVIANTZ facing off with the 3GreeKrew, with Nickelangelo doing some annoying mic work beforehand. This match can be called the awakening of Goat Banga as he flipped out on Nick with a few chokeslams, and finished with the Banga Bomb, with added crotch thrusting for added um, insult I guess. Batfarti brings a pizza out and eats it over the fallen Nickelangelo, dropping hot pizza sauce on his face, causing him to scream out in pain. Goat Banga then started humping his face, only for Asstacoicuss to run out and make the save, with Nickelangelo screaming for REVENGE on GB, challenging him to a match at the next Spunk Pro show. The RE.Volution continued next, as Lee Stone went one on one with Tomohiro Ito in what was a HOT FIGHTING CONTEST. Lee was overpowering Ito, but Ito wouldn't stay down. Ito's offense seemed to be wearing Stone down, but nothing could do the trick. It finally took the RE.Vo Clutch (Gannosuke Clutch) to put him away for the 3.
OdZ vs Dink-Gun continued, with Dink picking up a win over DEMOS with a hurricanrana, reversing a powerbomb attempt. I guess Dink is like Kidman -- YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB HIM! DEMOS and RUINER are an incredibly tight team, totally taking Dink and the young dragon to task throughout the match, with Dink getting a few hopeful comebacks with some roll ups, but still being dominated by DEMOS. DEMOS keeps attempting to insult Dink, and brought a pair of clippers to the ring with him. He was furious after losing the match and attacked Tom Johnson after laying Dink out with a chair. RUINER held Johnson still while DEMOS shaved his head, with Dink trying to claw his way to help the youngster, only to get a shining Yakuza Kick from DEMOs. He holds Dink up by the hair and feigns like he is going to cut Dink's hair, but laughs and tosses him down, as he leaves both men in a heap in the ring.
The Bozac vs T-Team fued continued with Bobo and Mr. T taking on Druid and Jimmy Snotz. Bobo made a strong showing, pinning the Bozac Pro founder, Druid with a German Suplex after Mr. T nailed a big right hand on him. Jimmy Snotz, Bee Man and Donnie Blood then put the bootz to the T-Team before Lester "T" Bourbon ran in for the save. Lester and Bee Man exchanged words as the Bozac Army retreated, with Lester taking the mic, brother, and challenging Druid and Bee Man to a tag match. The Bozac Army wasn't done for the night, oh no, as Shakin' Tom took on Alabama Dan. One half of the tag champs vs one half of the WTST in what was a knock down, drag out hossfest of an affair. Jewberg ran a distraction leading to Tom shooting himself up with a needle and going into ROID RAGE (C) mode! This led to the Shakin' Slam -> Shakin' Splash for the 3-count.
The mysterious Locust Star made another appearance with another masked man, 001 sporting a new look, no longer in the black and white with a cross on his chest. Instead his gear was black and red, and he looked as focused as ever. Jesus X teamed with his brother, D, with the intention of taking out both nuisances in one fell swoop. Instead it turned into an all out brawl, with 001 focusing on the champ, and LS focusing on D. An absolutely brutal powerbomb puts D away, and all hell has broken loose. Imago X coming out to help Jesus and D, and another man in similar clothing is out now, and he is getting in on it! Rock Bottom by this new guy on 001! He locks in a Sasaorigatame in the middle of the ring while Imago locks in the crossface! Jesus X with a few cheapshots, and spits in the face of his former enforcer! LS is making his way to the back now as D is coming to, as he looks into his brother's eyes, with the tension between them still thick -- SUPERKICK! He just layed out his brother! Imago X has let go of 001 now, as he heads up top -- diving headbutt on D! This mystery man takes his turn now -- ROCK BOTTOM! It looks like D is either being punished, or he is being excised from the Ministry! LS stands on the ramp with his back to them, as the fans are calling for him to help D. He simply shakes his head and disappears into the backstage area as this new man hoists D over his shoulders and the Ministry walks him to the back.
1. SD (Pete Batfarti/Goat Banga(O)) (20:24 - Banga Bomb) 3GK (Nickelangelo(X)/Renegayd)
2. Tomohiro Ito (15:12 - Gannosuke (RE.Vo) Clutch) Lee Stone
3. DiNk(O)/Tom Johnson (29:56 - Dinkikanrana) OdZ (DEMOS(X)/RUINER)
4. Bobo "T" Gomez(O)/Mr. T (23:22 - German Suplex Hold) Druid(X)/Jimmy Snotz
5. Shakin' Tom (15:34 - Shakin' splash) Alabama Dan
6. Locust Star(O)/001 (15:39 - Wild Bomb) Jesus X/D(X)
The show kicks off with the SEXUAL DEVIANTZ facing off with the 3GreeKrew, with Nickelangelo doing some annoying mic work beforehand. This match can be called the awakening of Goat Banga as he flipped out on Nick with a few chokeslams, and finished with the Banga Bomb, with added crotch thrusting for added um, insult I guess. Batfarti brings a pizza out and eats it over the fallen Nickelangelo, dropping hot pizza sauce on his face, causing him to scream out in pain. Goat Banga then started humping his face, only for Asstacoicuss to run out and make the save, with Nickelangelo screaming for REVENGE on GB, challenging him to a match at the next Spunk Pro show. The RE.Volution continued next, as Lee Stone went one on one with Tomohiro Ito in what was a HOT FIGHTING CONTEST. Lee was overpowering Ito, but Ito wouldn't stay down. Ito's offense seemed to be wearing Stone down, but nothing could do the trick. It finally took the RE.Vo Clutch (Gannosuke Clutch) to put him away for the 3.
OdZ vs Dink-Gun continued, with Dink picking up a win over DEMOS with a hurricanrana, reversing a powerbomb attempt. I guess Dink is like Kidman -- YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB HIM! DEMOS and RUINER are an incredibly tight team, totally taking Dink and the young dragon to task throughout the match, with Dink getting a few hopeful comebacks with some roll ups, but still being dominated by DEMOS. DEMOS keeps attempting to insult Dink, and brought a pair of clippers to the ring with him. He was furious after losing the match and attacked Tom Johnson after laying Dink out with a chair. RUINER held Johnson still while DEMOS shaved his head, with Dink trying to claw his way to help the youngster, only to get a shining Yakuza Kick from DEMOs. He holds Dink up by the hair and feigns like he is going to cut Dink's hair, but laughs and tosses him down, as he leaves both men in a heap in the ring.
The Bozac vs T-Team fued continued with Bobo and Mr. T taking on Druid and Jimmy Snotz. Bobo made a strong showing, pinning the Bozac Pro founder, Druid with a German Suplex after Mr. T nailed a big right hand on him. Jimmy Snotz, Bee Man and Donnie Blood then put the bootz to the T-Team before Lester "T" Bourbon ran in for the save. Lester and Bee Man exchanged words as the Bozac Army retreated, with Lester taking the mic, brother, and challenging Druid and Bee Man to a tag match. The Bozac Army wasn't done for the night, oh no, as Shakin' Tom took on Alabama Dan. One half of the tag champs vs one half of the WTST in what was a knock down, drag out hossfest of an affair. Jewberg ran a distraction leading to Tom shooting himself up with a needle and going into ROID RAGE (C) mode! This led to the Shakin' Slam -> Shakin' Splash for the 3-count.
The mysterious Locust Star made another appearance with another masked man, 001 sporting a new look, no longer in the black and white with a cross on his chest. Instead his gear was black and red, and he looked as focused as ever. Jesus X teamed with his brother, D, with the intention of taking out both nuisances in one fell swoop. Instead it turned into an all out brawl, with 001 focusing on the champ, and LS focusing on D. An absolutely brutal powerbomb puts D away, and all hell has broken loose. Imago X coming out to help Jesus and D, and another man in similar clothing is out now, and he is getting in on it! Rock Bottom by this new guy on 001! He locks in a Sasaorigatame in the middle of the ring while Imago locks in the crossface! Jesus X with a few cheapshots, and spits in the face of his former enforcer! LS is making his way to the back now as D is coming to, as he looks into his brother's eyes, with the tension between them still thick -- SUPERKICK! He just layed out his brother! Imago X has let go of 001 now, as he heads up top -- diving headbutt on D! This mystery man takes his turn now -- ROCK BOTTOM! It looks like D is either being punished, or he is being excised from the Ministry! LS stands on the ramp with his back to them, as the fans are calling for him to help D. He simply shakes his head and disappears into the backstage area as this new man hoists D over his shoulders and the Ministry walks him to the back.
1. SD (Pete Batfarti/Goat Banga(O)) (20:24 - Banga Bomb) 3GK (Nickelangelo(X)/Renegayd)
2. Tomohiro Ito (15:12 - Gannosuke (RE.Vo) Clutch) Lee Stone
3. DiNk(O)/Tom Johnson (29:56 - Dinkikanrana) OdZ (DEMOS(X)/RUINER)
4. Bobo "T" Gomez(O)/Mr. T (23:22 - German Suplex Hold) Druid(X)/Jimmy Snotz
5. Shakin' Tom (15:34 - Shakin' splash) Alabama Dan
6. Locust Star(O)/001 (15:39 - Wild Bomb) Jesus X/D(X)
5.11.06 Breaking news today that somebody has set fire to the Spunk Pro Headquarters. The fire broke out around 11:12 AM EST on the 10th of May at Spunk Pro Corporate Headquarters, located in scenic Cranston, RI. | ![]() |
Spunk Pro officials are unsure of the damage, as rescue workers won't allow them onto the premises until they have done a thorough investigation of what the cause of the fire is. Manakuro Marakuso was quoted as saying it was a "tragic loss" but that he was happy nobody was injured.
Officials believe it might be a case of arson, but aren't ruling out an accidental fire, as an old building like this has been known to be heavily flammable. A few Spunk Pro wrestlers were on the scene and were taken in for questioning, these names have not been released yet at this time, but we hope to have more details soon. No arrests have been made yet in the case.
On a lighter note, wrestler Pete Batfarti valiantly dashed into the building while the fire raged, as he thought he had hear screams coming from inside of the building. While Coach Batfarti found no victims, all was not gambled for nothing as he was able to liberate a ham and cheese sandwich that was wedged up against a wall, unable to free itself. The sandwich was extra toasty, Batfarti said, and went down smooth with a glass of fresh lemonade that he also liberated from inside of the burning building. Coach Batfarti was treated for minor burns and a stomach ache, but has been released from the hospital and is said to be recooperating at home.
Spunk Pro Feb/March Digest
2.28 -- 18th Street Gym, NYC -- 567 fans
Nickelangelo starts off the show defending the AVN belt against Tony Rebelo in pure 3GK fashion -- run-ins, Greek trickery and pizza. After the win, the Pee Wee's Playhouse song plays and Nick spits his pizza up all over Tony as there is a commotion in the crowd, and a fat man in a pizza guy suit belly to belly suplexes a cotton candy guy, yells BANG and disappears. The second match saw the continuation of Zokugai (now officially known as Oni De Zokugai) and the Spunk Pro Junior division, led by Dink, Wilkes and Araya. Dink falls to the inverted powerbomb by RUINER and all hell breaks lose after the match.
Locust Star's singles debut was up against Jesus X's protege, Imago X. Imago put up a good fight, but Locust Star's focus and intensity destroyed him. A spinning Emerald Frosion was sick enough to do the job, it should note the song 'Locust Star' played throughout the match. Jesus X, the champ goes down for the second time since becoming champion, and once again to Alabama Dan Sommers! The Stereotypes had isolated 001 and a Shopping Cart Shuffle on the outside left him out of commision, leaving Jesus X against the WTST all alone. After the match Jesus X was furious and claimed that 001 had failed him for the last time. He was beating the shit out of 001, who simply took his beating and followed Jesus X to the back afterwards.
1. AVN Championship: Nickelangelo (C) (1:43 - Lead Pizza Pie Attack) Tony Rebelo
2. Oni De Zokugai (MAX/DEMOS/RUINER(O) (14:12 - D-79) (Dink(X)/Travis Wilkes/Wataru Araya)
3. Locust Star (5:33 - Swarm Driver) Imago X
4. Walking Talking Stereotypes (Alabama Dan(O)/Hobo Joe) (18:54 - Alabama Kneelift -> Alabama Clutch) Ministry X (Jesus X(X)/001)
3.05 - Warwick Musical Theater, Warwick, RI -- 789 fans
Another Nickelangelo classic this time against FPC troll and all around retard EDC. The Nickelangelo Open Challenge really attracts them all, huh? Nick was waiting for his celebratory pizza when a fat fan in a hat and fake beard jumped the guard rail (well, stumbled a bit, then did it) and belly to belly slammed the pizza guy, as Nickelangelo and the 3GK scrambled to the back... In fear... of a fat dude in a hat and beard, as they didn't know.... Who he was... Yeah.
Wataru Araya stepped up and challenged RUINER of OdZ, with the stipulation that if he can defeat RUINER he can get a shot at MAX. Well, he pulls off the win in what could be considered a mild upset, and all hell breaks lose in a wild brawl inside of the ring. Tomohiro Ito and Jun Mochizuki, Kanraku-Gun came out next sporting new duds with Ito taking a mic and claiming that he was sick of being considered a nobody in Spunk Pro, he was sick of not being booked due to his roots in death matches. He and Jun wanted the recognition they deserve as charter members of Spunk Pro, and they weren't leaving the ring until somebody answers their call. Well, they got what they were asking for! Brad Wolf and Lee Stone answered the call and both teams went tooth and nail, tearing down the house. Ito seems to have really concentrated his training and looks vastly better in the ring now, nailing Wolf with a Shining Wizard, setting him up for the Kanrakuyoha from Mochi for the huge win.
The Bozac Army pulls off another huge win in Spunk Pro territory, this time Jimmy Snotz pinning the International Champion, Bobo Gomez with the atomic senton splash. The Physical Specimenz demanded that they get a shot at the titles, as Snotz demanded that Gomez throws down and hands him the title. We get another Bozac/T-Team pull apart brawl before everything is settled, and it looks like we have a fued here!
The surprise of the night comes in Jesus X losing a singles match to 001. Imago X and D came out in Jesus X's corner, as 001 came out on his own, and looked a bit sluggish and apprehensive to hit the champion, and by all means his creator, Jesus X. Since Jesus X has arrived in Spunk Pro 001 has been there for him, and has been his personal assistant. 001's identity is unknown, even to himself at this point, with most believing Jesus X holding the key to his life. But all of that has changed now, as Jesus X is looking to humiliate and excommunicate 001, his premier follower. 001 brings a fight unlike we've seen from him in ages, putting his all into it. Imago X tries to run in to save him, but D holds him back, infuriating Imago and Jesus X, but keeping the match even. 001 finally puts Jesus X away with the Chokeslam -> Sitout Powerbomb, getting a decisive win over the Champion! The dissention in the Ministry is clear now, as Jesus X looks furious with D, his brother for siding with 001. D picks up the microphone and explains that he owes it to 001 after all he has done for him, with Jesus claiming he owes the brute nothing, and that the brute owes him his life, and will pay dearly for it. If D himself doesn't turn himself around, he will pay as well.
1. AVN Championship: Nickelangelo (C) (2:56 - Plasterlock) EddieDeanClassic
2. Wataru Araya (13:05 - Firebuster) RUINER
3. RE.Volution (Tomohiro Ito/Jun Mochizuki(O)) (28:13 - Kanrakuyoha Elbow) Brad Wolf(X)/Lee Stone
4. Bozac Army (Superjew/Shakin Tom/Jimmy Snotz(O)) (25:41 - Atomic Senton) T-Team (Mr. T/Lester "T" Bourbon/Bobo "T" Gomez(X))
5. 001 (18:43 - Infinity Bomb) Jesus X
3.12 -- Mickey Stevens Sports Complex, Warwick, RI -- 586 fans
Nickelangelo's open challenge is this time met by PATCHES THE HOBO! Patches spits a lot of alcohol and punches a few punches, but he cannot handle the FURY of the Plasterlock (with added sandal to the face) and passes out. Nick calls for his much-vaunted pizza when the pizza man, who happens to be obese and wearing a hat and beard smashes him over the head with the pizza, belly to belly slams him and pins him for the 3!!! NEW CHAMPION! NEW HERO!! HE TAKES OFF THE BEARD AND HAT -- ITS PETE BATFARTI! GOOD LORD WHO WOULD OF GUESSED THE ABSOLUTE MOST OBVIOUS ANSWER TO THIS RIDDLE!?!!? The Pee-Wee's Playhouse theme plays as Nickelangelo is out cold, and Pete escapes through the crowd as the 3GK invades the ring, helping their leader, covered in pizza sauce up.
Ito came out and laid out another open challenge tonight, saying he wanted to prove that he was one of the young aces of the company, and will not disappoint. At the sound of 'young ace' YUSUKE comes out and claims while he hasn't been in Spunk Pro for long, he has taken the role of the next generation ace, and will die defending it. What we got then was a treat in both men beating the shit out of each other, with Ito besting YUSUKE with a Shining Wizard! Bozac vs T-Team continued with Lester putting on a 'Big match' against Shakin' Tom. Lester fought hard and pulls off the win with the Axe Bomber, knocking Shakin' Tom loopy.
The Ministry implodes in the semi-main! Jesus X and his new follower Imago X meet Prophet D and 001 just days after 001 pinned Jesus X, clean, in a singles match. This match was seen as punishment for D and the final nail in the coffin for 001. Locust Star's music plays as the lights go dead, when the lights come back up the masked man is standing outside of the ring, pointing at D. D stares him down as Locust Star simply turns his back to him and heads to the back, D persuing, leaving 001 on his own to fend off the Champ and his glory boy. It didn't take much, but 001 was put away by the crossface from Imago after fighting both men off valiantly. 001 takes a brutal beating from both men, as he takes a Final Cut from Jesus X, a diving headbutt from Imago and is finally locked into the crossface when he passes out. Post-match the beating continues until the refs and officials come out to pull the Champ and Imago off of him, with D finally returning only to get into another argument with Jesus X and Imago X. D stays with 001 as Jesus and Imago head to the back, leaving the Ministry in disarray.
The Main Event saw a dream come true for Wataru Araya. The young pupil who has spent the past few years learning the ropes in Spunk Pro has finally captured his first singles title, and it is off the dastardly bastard, MAX. Both men put their all into it, but Wataru had the heart and fire tonight, reversing a German Suplex into a heel hook for the tapout! Shogo Otsuka came out to congratulate Araya, as did Dink and Travis Wilkes and the rest of the junior roster!
1a. AVN Championship: Nickelangelo (C) (2:13 - Plasterlock) Patches the Hobo
1b. AVN Championship: Pete Batfarti (:09 - Belly to Belly) Nickelangelo (C)
2. Tomohiro Ito (23:41 - Shining Wizard) YUSUKE
3. Lester "T" Bourbon (14:04 - Axe Bomber) Shakin Tom
4. Ministry X (Jesus X/Imago X(O)) (23:45 - Crossface) 001(X)/D
5. Spunk Pro Junior Championship: Wataru Araya (19:34 - Firehook) MAX (C)
3.20 -- RI Indoor Sports Arena, Warwick, RI -- 1,200 fans
Batfarti makes his first defense against the 3GK and does it in style with the belly to belly -> PTFO Press. The Spunk Pro Jr vs OdZ fued continues to heat up as the new Champion teams with wanderer Travis Wilkes against the strong tag team of OdZ DEMOS and RUINER and taking them over 30 in what could be considered a classic. RUINER went for the sliding kenka kick on Wilkes who ducked under it and slapped on a cross-armbar for the surprise tapout, which infuriated RUINER and DEMOS. DEMOS lays out Wilkes and was ready to attack Araya when Dink comes out and nails the Dr@g0nt0n k33k on him!!
RE.Volution strikes again, this time facing off with Spunk-Gun, as we have a young generation war unfolding before our very eyes! We have Spunk's star pupils against his forgotten pupils, with the forgotten ones showing their stuff and showing that maybe people should be paying attention to them, as they take the WILD members to the time limit, forcing Spunk-Gun to shake their hands and respect what they've accomplished. Jesus X has forced D to make a choice here tonight; The Ministry or the big beast of 001. Imago and Jesus are looking on as D apprehensively locks up with 001, who is still soft from the beating he took the other night. D looks pissed off at having to do this, but he is still going through with it. After a few minutes Jesus and Imago cannot stay still anymore and attack 001, with D not holding back and laying out Jesus X with a lariat! We have ourselves the Ministry falling apart before our very eyes!
The Main Event saw what we thought was impossible -- The two roided up bags of shit who were fired for refusing drug tests, the two jokes of wrestlers who went to Bozac Pro and motivated themselves defeated the unstoppable T-Team! It was an incredibly physical match with both teams pulling out all of the stops. The finish saw the decimation of Mr. T by the Bozac Army, with Druid distracting the ref, Donnie Blood laying out Lester and Jimmy Snotz hitting the atomic senton on Mr. T!!!! Shaking Splash by Tom, spear by Jewberg! JEWHAMMER! 1!!!!! 2!!!!! 3!!!!! Those dirty bastards just stole the Spunk Pro tag championship!
1. AVN Championship: Pete Batfarti (4:12 - PTFO Press) Renegayd
2. Wataru Araya/Travis Wilkes(O) (30:19 - jujigatame) OdZ (DEMOS/RUINER(X))
3. RE.Volution (Tomohiro Ito/Jun Mochizuki) (30:00 - Draw) Spunk-Gun (YUSUKE/Shogo Otsuka)
4. 001 (3:25 - No Contest) D
5. Spunk Pro Tag Championship: Physical Specimenz (Jewberg(O)/Shakin Tom) (23:12 - Jewhammer) T-Team (Mr. T(X)/Lester "T" Bourbon) (C)
Nickelangelo starts off the show defending the AVN belt against Tony Rebelo in pure 3GK fashion -- run-ins, Greek trickery and pizza. After the win, the Pee Wee's Playhouse song plays and Nick spits his pizza up all over Tony as there is a commotion in the crowd, and a fat man in a pizza guy suit belly to belly suplexes a cotton candy guy, yells BANG and disappears. The second match saw the continuation of Zokugai (now officially known as Oni De Zokugai) and the Spunk Pro Junior division, led by Dink, Wilkes and Araya. Dink falls to the inverted powerbomb by RUINER and all hell breaks lose after the match.
Locust Star's singles debut was up against Jesus X's protege, Imago X. Imago put up a good fight, but Locust Star's focus and intensity destroyed him. A spinning Emerald Frosion was sick enough to do the job, it should note the song 'Locust Star' played throughout the match. Jesus X, the champ goes down for the second time since becoming champion, and once again to Alabama Dan Sommers! The Stereotypes had isolated 001 and a Shopping Cart Shuffle on the outside left him out of commision, leaving Jesus X against the WTST all alone. After the match Jesus X was furious and claimed that 001 had failed him for the last time. He was beating the shit out of 001, who simply took his beating and followed Jesus X to the back afterwards.
1. AVN Championship: Nickelangelo (C) (1:43 - Lead Pizza Pie Attack) Tony Rebelo
2. Oni De Zokugai (MAX/DEMOS/RUINER(O) (14:12 - D-79) (Dink(X)/Travis Wilkes/Wataru Araya)
3. Locust Star (5:33 - Swarm Driver) Imago X
4. Walking Talking Stereotypes (Alabama Dan(O)/Hobo Joe) (18:54 - Alabama Kneelift -> Alabama Clutch) Ministry X (Jesus X(X)/001)
3.05 - Warwick Musical Theater, Warwick, RI -- 789 fans
Another Nickelangelo classic this time against FPC troll and all around retard EDC. The Nickelangelo Open Challenge really attracts them all, huh? Nick was waiting for his celebratory pizza when a fat fan in a hat and fake beard jumped the guard rail (well, stumbled a bit, then did it) and belly to belly slammed the pizza guy, as Nickelangelo and the 3GK scrambled to the back... In fear... of a fat dude in a hat and beard, as they didn't know.... Who he was... Yeah.
Wataru Araya stepped up and challenged RUINER of OdZ, with the stipulation that if he can defeat RUINER he can get a shot at MAX. Well, he pulls off the win in what could be considered a mild upset, and all hell breaks lose in a wild brawl inside of the ring. Tomohiro Ito and Jun Mochizuki, Kanraku-Gun came out next sporting new duds with Ito taking a mic and claiming that he was sick of being considered a nobody in Spunk Pro, he was sick of not being booked due to his roots in death matches. He and Jun wanted the recognition they deserve as charter members of Spunk Pro, and they weren't leaving the ring until somebody answers their call. Well, they got what they were asking for! Brad Wolf and Lee Stone answered the call and both teams went tooth and nail, tearing down the house. Ito seems to have really concentrated his training and looks vastly better in the ring now, nailing Wolf with a Shining Wizard, setting him up for the Kanrakuyoha from Mochi for the huge win.
The Bozac Army pulls off another huge win in Spunk Pro territory, this time Jimmy Snotz pinning the International Champion, Bobo Gomez with the atomic senton splash. The Physical Specimenz demanded that they get a shot at the titles, as Snotz demanded that Gomez throws down and hands him the title. We get another Bozac/T-Team pull apart brawl before everything is settled, and it looks like we have a fued here!
The surprise of the night comes in Jesus X losing a singles match to 001. Imago X and D came out in Jesus X's corner, as 001 came out on his own, and looked a bit sluggish and apprehensive to hit the champion, and by all means his creator, Jesus X. Since Jesus X has arrived in Spunk Pro 001 has been there for him, and has been his personal assistant. 001's identity is unknown, even to himself at this point, with most believing Jesus X holding the key to his life. But all of that has changed now, as Jesus X is looking to humiliate and excommunicate 001, his premier follower. 001 brings a fight unlike we've seen from him in ages, putting his all into it. Imago X tries to run in to save him, but D holds him back, infuriating Imago and Jesus X, but keeping the match even. 001 finally puts Jesus X away with the Chokeslam -> Sitout Powerbomb, getting a decisive win over the Champion! The dissention in the Ministry is clear now, as Jesus X looks furious with D, his brother for siding with 001. D picks up the microphone and explains that he owes it to 001 after all he has done for him, with Jesus claiming he owes the brute nothing, and that the brute owes him his life, and will pay dearly for it. If D himself doesn't turn himself around, he will pay as well.
1. AVN Championship: Nickelangelo (C) (2:56 - Plasterlock) EddieDeanClassic
2. Wataru Araya (13:05 - Firebuster) RUINER
3. RE.Volution (Tomohiro Ito/Jun Mochizuki(O)) (28:13 - Kanrakuyoha Elbow) Brad Wolf(X)/Lee Stone
4. Bozac Army (Superjew/Shakin Tom/Jimmy Snotz(O)) (25:41 - Atomic Senton) T-Team (Mr. T/Lester "T" Bourbon/Bobo "T" Gomez(X))
5. 001 (18:43 - Infinity Bomb) Jesus X
3.12 -- Mickey Stevens Sports Complex, Warwick, RI -- 586 fans
Nickelangelo's open challenge is this time met by PATCHES THE HOBO! Patches spits a lot of alcohol and punches a few punches, but he cannot handle the FURY of the Plasterlock (with added sandal to the face) and passes out. Nick calls for his much-vaunted pizza when the pizza man, who happens to be obese and wearing a hat and beard smashes him over the head with the pizza, belly to belly slams him and pins him for the 3!!! NEW CHAMPION! NEW HERO!! HE TAKES OFF THE BEARD AND HAT -- ITS PETE BATFARTI! GOOD LORD WHO WOULD OF GUESSED THE ABSOLUTE MOST OBVIOUS ANSWER TO THIS RIDDLE!?!!? The Pee-Wee's Playhouse theme plays as Nickelangelo is out cold, and Pete escapes through the crowd as the 3GK invades the ring, helping their leader, covered in pizza sauce up.
Ito came out and laid out another open challenge tonight, saying he wanted to prove that he was one of the young aces of the company, and will not disappoint. At the sound of 'young ace' YUSUKE comes out and claims while he hasn't been in Spunk Pro for long, he has taken the role of the next generation ace, and will die defending it. What we got then was a treat in both men beating the shit out of each other, with Ito besting YUSUKE with a Shining Wizard! Bozac vs T-Team continued with Lester putting on a 'Big match' against Shakin' Tom. Lester fought hard and pulls off the win with the Axe Bomber, knocking Shakin' Tom loopy.
The Ministry implodes in the semi-main! Jesus X and his new follower Imago X meet Prophet D and 001 just days after 001 pinned Jesus X, clean, in a singles match. This match was seen as punishment for D and the final nail in the coffin for 001. Locust Star's music plays as the lights go dead, when the lights come back up the masked man is standing outside of the ring, pointing at D. D stares him down as Locust Star simply turns his back to him and heads to the back, D persuing, leaving 001 on his own to fend off the Champ and his glory boy. It didn't take much, but 001 was put away by the crossface from Imago after fighting both men off valiantly. 001 takes a brutal beating from both men, as he takes a Final Cut from Jesus X, a diving headbutt from Imago and is finally locked into the crossface when he passes out. Post-match the beating continues until the refs and officials come out to pull the Champ and Imago off of him, with D finally returning only to get into another argument with Jesus X and Imago X. D stays with 001 as Jesus and Imago head to the back, leaving the Ministry in disarray.
The Main Event saw a dream come true for Wataru Araya. The young pupil who has spent the past few years learning the ropes in Spunk Pro has finally captured his first singles title, and it is off the dastardly bastard, MAX. Both men put their all into it, but Wataru had the heart and fire tonight, reversing a German Suplex into a heel hook for the tapout! Shogo Otsuka came out to congratulate Araya, as did Dink and Travis Wilkes and the rest of the junior roster!
1a. AVN Championship: Nickelangelo (C) (2:13 - Plasterlock) Patches the Hobo
1b. AVN Championship: Pete Batfarti (:09 - Belly to Belly) Nickelangelo (C)
2. Tomohiro Ito (23:41 - Shining Wizard) YUSUKE
3. Lester "T" Bourbon (14:04 - Axe Bomber) Shakin Tom
4. Ministry X (Jesus X/Imago X(O)) (23:45 - Crossface) 001(X)/D
5. Spunk Pro Junior Championship: Wataru Araya (19:34 - Firehook) MAX (C)
3.20 -- RI Indoor Sports Arena, Warwick, RI -- 1,200 fans
Batfarti makes his first defense against the 3GK and does it in style with the belly to belly -> PTFO Press. The Spunk Pro Jr vs OdZ fued continues to heat up as the new Champion teams with wanderer Travis Wilkes against the strong tag team of OdZ DEMOS and RUINER and taking them over 30 in what could be considered a classic. RUINER went for the sliding kenka kick on Wilkes who ducked under it and slapped on a cross-armbar for the surprise tapout, which infuriated RUINER and DEMOS. DEMOS lays out Wilkes and was ready to attack Araya when Dink comes out and nails the Dr@g0nt0n k33k on him!!
RE.Volution strikes again, this time facing off with Spunk-Gun, as we have a young generation war unfolding before our very eyes! We have Spunk's star pupils against his forgotten pupils, with the forgotten ones showing their stuff and showing that maybe people should be paying attention to them, as they take the WILD members to the time limit, forcing Spunk-Gun to shake their hands and respect what they've accomplished. Jesus X has forced D to make a choice here tonight; The Ministry or the big beast of 001. Imago and Jesus are looking on as D apprehensively locks up with 001, who is still soft from the beating he took the other night. D looks pissed off at having to do this, but he is still going through with it. After a few minutes Jesus and Imago cannot stay still anymore and attack 001, with D not holding back and laying out Jesus X with a lariat! We have ourselves the Ministry falling apart before our very eyes!
The Main Event saw what we thought was impossible -- The two roided up bags of shit who were fired for refusing drug tests, the two jokes of wrestlers who went to Bozac Pro and motivated themselves defeated the unstoppable T-Team! It was an incredibly physical match with both teams pulling out all of the stops. The finish saw the decimation of Mr. T by the Bozac Army, with Druid distracting the ref, Donnie Blood laying out Lester and Jimmy Snotz hitting the atomic senton on Mr. T!!!! Shaking Splash by Tom, spear by Jewberg! JEWHAMMER! 1!!!!! 2!!!!! 3!!!!! Those dirty bastards just stole the Spunk Pro tag championship!
1. AVN Championship: Pete Batfarti (4:12 - PTFO Press) Renegayd
2. Wataru Araya/Travis Wilkes(O) (30:19 - jujigatame) OdZ (DEMOS/RUINER(X))
3. RE.Volution (Tomohiro Ito/Jun Mochizuki) (30:00 - Draw) Spunk-Gun (YUSUKE/Shogo Otsuka)
4. 001 (3:25 - No Contest) D
5. Spunk Pro Tag Championship: Physical Specimenz (Jewberg(O)/Shakin Tom) (23:12 - Jewhammer) T-Team (Mr. T(X)/Lester "T" Bourbon) (C)
Spunk Pro 2.20.06
2.20.06 - Warwick Musical Theater, Warwick, RI -- 898 fans
1. DEMOS (11:30 - SIDS Clutch) Tom Johnson
-- DEMOS starting things off taking it to the rookie, Tom Johnson who has been teaming with Dink and Travis Wilkes against the EVIL ZOKUGAI! Tom uses all of his BOKOBOKO training, but still cannot overcome DEMOS. Post-match beatdown by ZOKUGAI, only for Dink and Wilkes to make the save! Things between these two sides are at a boiling point now!
2. AVN Championship Triple Threat: Pete Batfarti vs Nickelangelo vs Billy Hollywood (C)
Nickelangelo (10:17 - Nickozuna Drop) Billy Hollywood
-- This match was the boiling point of the two fat men and Billy Hollywood. Billy dismissed his ninja swat team, while Nick sent the 3GK to the back. Pete sent Team PTFO to the back as well, as this match will be honorable. We had some HOT ACTION throughout, with all 3 men bringing the fabricated hate. Pete and Nick went through bouts of gassing out in the early stages, with Billy beating them both down. Nick used the SICILIAN PIZZA on Pete on the outside (crowbar inside) as he went back to fight Billy. Billy was going for the Star*Maker when Nickelangelo in all of his fatness just stood there, then dropped his fat ass on Billy's neck and picks up the win!
3. Brad Wolf(O)/Lee Stone (12:35 - Vertical Reverse DDT) Bozac-Gun (Jimmy Snotz/Donnie Blood(X))
BOZAC vs SPUNK PRO!! Nothing much to see here, except the scumbags getting pinned.
4. YUSUKE (15:23 - Dragon Suplex) VD Dod
-- After the tag match from the last show, youth sensation YUSUKE took on VD Dod of LRI. VD getting the pinfall over YUSUKE last time, and this time trying to use his weapons and brawling against YUSUKE. YU fought hard, and pulled out the Dragon Suplex for the decisive victory over VD, calling for a Evo Tag Title shot!
5. Elimination Tag Spunk Pro vs Bozac-Gun: Spunk Pro Alliance (Alabama Dan/Hobo Joe/Mr. T/Bobo "T" Gomez) vs Bozac-Gun (Druid/Bee-Man/Shakin' Tom/Jewberg)
-- Mr. T (41:05 - Chokeslam -> KO) Druid
-- Jewberg (43:26 - Jewhammer) Mr. T
-- Jewberg (46:45 - Jewhammer -> KO) Hobo Joe
-- Jewberg (57:03 - Jewhammer) Alabama Dan
-- Jewberg (57:51 - Jewhammer) Bobo "T" Gomez
-- This match was HUGE! The T-Team joining forces with the Walking Talking Stereotypes to face off against the invading BOZAC-GUN TEAM! This match was beyond fucking epic, that is all I can really say. Druid got KO'd first, falling to Mr. T's chokeslam at 40+ minutes in!!
What happened next is almost unexplainable, as Jewberg pins Mr. T with a spear/jackhammer combo! From there he KO's Hobo Joe with it! Leaving two men KO'd in this match already. From here we got some tagging, but Jewberg just seemed unstoppable! A Jewhammer takes out Dan, leaving Bobo to the mercy of 3 men, before he falls to it as well. Folks -- BOZAC-GUN HAS WON! Due to the efforts of one man!
6. Lester "T" Bourbon (15:49 - No Contest) Prophet D
-- Lester taking on his third challenge from the Ministry X in D! This match was intense, with both men tossing everything out. The Lariat vs the Axe Bomber, with Lester looking like he was in control, until Jesus X comes out and distracts him! D is in control now, but Jesus X keeps involving himself... The lights go out...
Its Locust Star! Locust Star is playing! At the same point as last time the lights come back on, with the masked man from the last show in the ring, standing there staring down D and Jesus X! And we have all 4 men brawling now, and it looks like, yes.. WE HAVE AN IMPROMPTU TAG!
7. Locust Star/Lester "T" Bourbon(O) (17:29 - Axe Bomber) Jesus X/D(X)
-- Intense bout, with Locust Star looking unstoppable and relentless. Jesus X abandoned D when Locust Star nailed him with a lariat, and was setting up for the kill, only to slip out and bail. Lester with an Axe Bomber on D for the win. The song "Locust Star" came on as LS picks up D for a brainbuster, and spins him into an Emerald Flowsion!!
He plants his foot on his chest as the lights go red, the show fading as the song fades.
1. DEMOS (11:30 - SIDS Clutch) Tom Johnson
-- DEMOS starting things off taking it to the rookie, Tom Johnson who has been teaming with Dink and Travis Wilkes against the EVIL ZOKUGAI! Tom uses all of his BOKOBOKO training, but still cannot overcome DEMOS. Post-match beatdown by ZOKUGAI, only for Dink and Wilkes to make the save! Things between these two sides are at a boiling point now!
2. AVN Championship Triple Threat: Pete Batfarti vs Nickelangelo vs Billy Hollywood (C)
Nickelangelo (10:17 - Nickozuna Drop) Billy Hollywood
-- This match was the boiling point of the two fat men and Billy Hollywood. Billy dismissed his ninja swat team, while Nick sent the 3GK to the back. Pete sent Team PTFO to the back as well, as this match will be honorable. We had some HOT ACTION throughout, with all 3 men bringing the fabricated hate. Pete and Nick went through bouts of gassing out in the early stages, with Billy beating them both down. Nick used the SICILIAN PIZZA on Pete on the outside (crowbar inside) as he went back to fight Billy. Billy was going for the Star*Maker when Nickelangelo in all of his fatness just stood there, then dropped his fat ass on Billy's neck and picks up the win!
3. Brad Wolf(O)/Lee Stone (12:35 - Vertical Reverse DDT) Bozac-Gun (Jimmy Snotz/Donnie Blood(X))
BOZAC vs SPUNK PRO!! Nothing much to see here, except the scumbags getting pinned.
4. YUSUKE (15:23 - Dragon Suplex) VD Dod
-- After the tag match from the last show, youth sensation YUSUKE took on VD Dod of LRI. VD getting the pinfall over YUSUKE last time, and this time trying to use his weapons and brawling against YUSUKE. YU fought hard, and pulled out the Dragon Suplex for the decisive victory over VD, calling for a Evo Tag Title shot!
5. Elimination Tag Spunk Pro vs Bozac-Gun: Spunk Pro Alliance (Alabama Dan/Hobo Joe/Mr. T/Bobo "T" Gomez) vs Bozac-Gun (Druid/Bee-Man/Shakin' Tom/Jewberg)
-- Mr. T (41:05 - Chokeslam -> KO) Druid
-- Jewberg (43:26 - Jewhammer) Mr. T
-- Jewberg (46:45 - Jewhammer -> KO) Hobo Joe
-- Jewberg (57:03 - Jewhammer) Alabama Dan
-- Jewberg (57:51 - Jewhammer) Bobo "T" Gomez
-- This match was HUGE! The T-Team joining forces with the Walking Talking Stereotypes to face off against the invading BOZAC-GUN TEAM! This match was beyond fucking epic, that is all I can really say. Druid got KO'd first, falling to Mr. T's chokeslam at 40+ minutes in!!
What happened next is almost unexplainable, as Jewberg pins Mr. T with a spear/jackhammer combo! From there he KO's Hobo Joe with it! Leaving two men KO'd in this match already. From here we got some tagging, but Jewberg just seemed unstoppable! A Jewhammer takes out Dan, leaving Bobo to the mercy of 3 men, before he falls to it as well. Folks -- BOZAC-GUN HAS WON! Due to the efforts of one man!
6. Lester "T" Bourbon (15:49 - No Contest) Prophet D
-- Lester taking on his third challenge from the Ministry X in D! This match was intense, with both men tossing everything out. The Lariat vs the Axe Bomber, with Lester looking like he was in control, until Jesus X comes out and distracts him! D is in control now, but Jesus X keeps involving himself... The lights go out...
Its Locust Star! Locust Star is playing! At the same point as last time the lights come back on, with the masked man from the last show in the ring, standing there staring down D and Jesus X! And we have all 4 men brawling now, and it looks like, yes.. WE HAVE AN IMPROMPTU TAG!
7. Locust Star/Lester "T" Bourbon(O) (17:29 - Axe Bomber) Jesus X/D(X)
-- Intense bout, with Locust Star looking unstoppable and relentless. Jesus X abandoned D when Locust Star nailed him with a lariat, and was setting up for the kill, only to slip out and bail. Lester with an Axe Bomber on D for the win. The song "Locust Star" came on as LS picks up D for a brainbuster, and spins him into an Emerald Flowsion!!
He plants his foot on his chest as the lights go red, the show fading as the song fades.
Spunk Pro 2.12.06
1. AVN Championship Battle Royale - First Fall to a Finish: Billy Hollywood (0:31 - Star*Maker) Asstacoicuss
-- A Battle Royale to start a show? Yeah, sure... The 3GK, Sexual Deviantz, Billy, Lou and a few others were involved. Billy had a fucking GANG OF NINJAS with him to serve as bodyguards! Asstaco just kinda sucks, and got pinned easily by Billy, as Billy runs away, still in possesion of the title. The ninjas used a smoke bomb to put off the rest of the guys in the battle royale trying to get a quick pin on Billy, as Billy made for a clean getaway.
Pete Batfarti swore revenge, as Nickelangelo snuck up on him, and hit him in the back of the head with a PIZZA PIE! It loks like Pete is KTFO, when we see that there was a LEAD PIPE in the pizza. Apparently Tonya Harding makes pizza now.
2. 001 (8:11 - oo Bomb) Ken Hunt
-- Yeah, rookie goes down to the monster.
3. ZOKUGAI (MAX/DEMOS/RUINER) (13:46 - Double DQ) DiNk/Travis Wilkes/Tom Johnson
-- A rematch from our last show, which just went down the drains, with ZOKUGAI pulling the face team all around the arena and brawling their little hearts out. DEMOS brought a doll that looked much like an aborted fetus to the ring with him, and tossed it at Dink, enraging him! Good Ref Haddes got roughed up, then Druid did, with Druid throwing this match out.
4. LRI (Stuart Robinson/VD Dod(O)) (29:15 - La Magistral) YUSUKE(X)/Shogo Otsuka
-- A non-title match, between Spunk-Gun and LRI. LRI claimed they were growin bored with Spunk Pro, and are being held down, not giving a shot at the tag belts yet. They then proceeded to run down Spunk for not even being able to compete in his own promotion. Stuart called out Spunk for a singles match, and obviously Spunk didn't show up. From here Stuart has claimed all of Spunk Pro to be invalids, until YUSUKE and Shogo Otsuka storm the ring, and we have ourselves an impromptu tag match!
LRI prove once again to be an amazing tag team, as YUSUKE and Shogo take the fight to them, but LRI proves to be crafty. Stuart clocks YUSUKE with a chair, with VD rolling him up right before the time limit expires, with LRI essentially stealing the victory!
5. Spunk Pro International Championship: Bobo "T" Gomez (25:02 - B2B B2B) Brad Wolf (C)
-- One of Spunk Pro's most anticipated rematches, with Bobo "T" taking his place in the record books, winning the International Championship! After the match, Bobo claimed this victory was for all of the held down minorities in the world. The whole racial crap not-withstanding, this was a truly great match, and Brad Wolf has nothing to be ashamed of.
6. Lester "T" Bourbon (14:06 - Pedo-gree) Imago X
-- Physical match, with Lester proving why he belongs on top, taking it to Jesus X's new henchman. Imago X did prove to be impressive, though, as he held on against the tag champ, as well as gave him a run for his money!
7. Walking Talking Stereotypes (Alabama Dan(O)/Hobo Joe) (29:09 - Corner High Knee -> Alabama Clutch) Bozac Army (Shakin' Tom/Jewberg(X))
-- A match with a ton of heat building up to it, as the reformed WTST battle the team that was fired from Spunk Pro, but came back looking for revenge! This was an insanely heated bout, as the crowd was eating right out of their hands, cheering for the WTST to overcome the evil Bozac Army. Dan lands a high knee in the corner, and follows with an Alabama Clutch for the flash pin on Super Jew, with Super Jew believing he kicked out before the 3, but Haddes keeping to his word! After the match a brawl broke out, as Super Jew and Shakin' Tom were not pleased. Tom went into a roid rage, as he beat the piss out of Haddes. Yeah. Mr. T ran in when more members of Bozac Pro started coming out there, and actually ended up helping the Stereotypes!
8. Spunk Pro Heavyweight Championship: Jesus X (C) (15:24 - Backslide) Prophet D
-- This is it, the match D has been waiting for... His shot at the big one, finally! What we got was a super competitive match, with D not backing down from his brother for one instant. Both guys gave this match all they had. D finally looks like he is on a rampage, after a Death Valley Bomb on the floor, he has Jesus X reeling in the ring, he is looking for the lariat... And the lights go out!
Just a slight hum now, followed by a slight guitar.
The fans don't know what to think, as the song "Locust Star" plays. At 1:16 into the song (when it picks up) the lights come back on, as a figure clad in black and blue, wearing a mask stands outside of the ring, staring into the ring, pointing at D... Jesus X from behind! Backslide! 1!!! 2!! 3!! The song is still playing now, as the masked figure enters the ring, both Jesus X and D exhausted, D arguing with the ref over the count, until he notices the figure standing over him. D to his feet, as he hits a few elbows on the man, then going off the ropes, looking for the lariat, ducked! Enzuiguri on D! He picks him up in a brainbuster, and he spins him into an Emerald Frosion! And I think D is out here! Imago X came in to pull Jesus X out, as he has abandoned his brother in the ring with this... Well, monster. The figure places his foot on D's chest, and points down at him as the lights dim.
-- A Battle Royale to start a show? Yeah, sure... The 3GK, Sexual Deviantz, Billy, Lou and a few others were involved. Billy had a fucking GANG OF NINJAS with him to serve as bodyguards! Asstaco just kinda sucks, and got pinned easily by Billy, as Billy runs away, still in possesion of the title. The ninjas used a smoke bomb to put off the rest of the guys in the battle royale trying to get a quick pin on Billy, as Billy made for a clean getaway.
Pete Batfarti swore revenge, as Nickelangelo snuck up on him, and hit him in the back of the head with a PIZZA PIE! It loks like Pete is KTFO, when we see that there was a LEAD PIPE in the pizza. Apparently Tonya Harding makes pizza now.
2. 001 (8:11 - oo Bomb) Ken Hunt
-- Yeah, rookie goes down to the monster.
3. ZOKUGAI (MAX/DEMOS/RUINER) (13:46 - Double DQ) DiNk/Travis Wilkes/Tom Johnson
-- A rematch from our last show, which just went down the drains, with ZOKUGAI pulling the face team all around the arena and brawling their little hearts out. DEMOS brought a doll that looked much like an aborted fetus to the ring with him, and tossed it at Dink, enraging him! Good Ref Haddes got roughed up, then Druid did, with Druid throwing this match out.
4. LRI (Stuart Robinson/VD Dod(O)) (29:15 - La Magistral) YUSUKE(X)/Shogo Otsuka
-- A non-title match, between Spunk-Gun and LRI. LRI claimed they were growin bored with Spunk Pro, and are being held down, not giving a shot at the tag belts yet. They then proceeded to run down Spunk for not even being able to compete in his own promotion. Stuart called out Spunk for a singles match, and obviously Spunk didn't show up. From here Stuart has claimed all of Spunk Pro to be invalids, until YUSUKE and Shogo Otsuka storm the ring, and we have ourselves an impromptu tag match!
LRI prove once again to be an amazing tag team, as YUSUKE and Shogo take the fight to them, but LRI proves to be crafty. Stuart clocks YUSUKE with a chair, with VD rolling him up right before the time limit expires, with LRI essentially stealing the victory!
5. Spunk Pro International Championship: Bobo "T" Gomez (25:02 - B2B B2B) Brad Wolf (C)
-- One of Spunk Pro's most anticipated rematches, with Bobo "T" taking his place in the record books, winning the International Championship! After the match, Bobo claimed this victory was for all of the held down minorities in the world. The whole racial crap not-withstanding, this was a truly great match, and Brad Wolf has nothing to be ashamed of.
6. Lester "T" Bourbon (14:06 - Pedo-gree) Imago X
-- Physical match, with Lester proving why he belongs on top, taking it to Jesus X's new henchman. Imago X did prove to be impressive, though, as he held on against the tag champ, as well as gave him a run for his money!
7. Walking Talking Stereotypes (Alabama Dan(O)/Hobo Joe) (29:09 - Corner High Knee -> Alabama Clutch) Bozac Army (Shakin' Tom/Jewberg(X))
-- A match with a ton of heat building up to it, as the reformed WTST battle the team that was fired from Spunk Pro, but came back looking for revenge! This was an insanely heated bout, as the crowd was eating right out of their hands, cheering for the WTST to overcome the evil Bozac Army. Dan lands a high knee in the corner, and follows with an Alabama Clutch for the flash pin on Super Jew, with Super Jew believing he kicked out before the 3, but Haddes keeping to his word! After the match a brawl broke out, as Super Jew and Shakin' Tom were not pleased. Tom went into a roid rage, as he beat the piss out of Haddes. Yeah. Mr. T ran in when more members of Bozac Pro started coming out there, and actually ended up helping the Stereotypes!
8. Spunk Pro Heavyweight Championship: Jesus X (C) (15:24 - Backslide) Prophet D
-- This is it, the match D has been waiting for... His shot at the big one, finally! What we got was a super competitive match, with D not backing down from his brother for one instant. Both guys gave this match all they had. D finally looks like he is on a rampage, after a Death Valley Bomb on the floor, he has Jesus X reeling in the ring, he is looking for the lariat... And the lights go out!
Just a slight hum now, followed by a slight guitar.
The fans don't know what to think, as the song "Locust Star" plays. At 1:16 into the song (when it picks up) the lights come back on, as a figure clad in black and blue, wearing a mask stands outside of the ring, staring into the ring, pointing at D... Jesus X from behind! Backslide! 1!!! 2!! 3!! The song is still playing now, as the masked figure enters the ring, both Jesus X and D exhausted, D arguing with the ref over the count, until he notices the figure standing over him. D to his feet, as he hits a few elbows on the man, then going off the ropes, looking for the lariat, ducked! Enzuiguri on D! He picks him up in a brainbuster, and he spins him into an Emerald Frosion! And I think D is out here! Imago X came in to pull Jesus X out, as he has abandoned his brother in the ring with this... Well, monster. The figure places his foot on D's chest, and points down at him as the lights dim.
Spunk Pro 1.17.06 Newsbrief

Spunk Pro 1.17.06
Welcome to Wide World of WILD Newsbrief for January the 17th, 2006. Lets cut to the chase and get right down to it, as last night Jesus X laid out his plans for Spunk Pro Wrestling, and is granting his brother, D a title shot at the next Spunk Pro show. Imago X, Jesus X's new disciple has been getting a lot of press lately, after just one match he has truly impressed audiences, and oozes of charisma. Jesus X is quoted stating that he has molded the perfect disciple now, and that in the very near future he can see Imago X overtaking 001, maybe even destroying him!
The Walking Talking Stereotypes have declared WAR on the Bozac Army, specifically the Physical Specimins after last night! They want to show why they will go down in the most dominant tag team in Spunk Pro history, and why the Steroid Boyz, as they dubbed them, will go down as two wanna-be-tough guys with the bodies, and nothing to back it up with. They also made another challenge to the T-Team, claiming after they go through the Bozac Army, they are coming for the titles, chalking the last match between the two up to them not teaming for a while.
YUSUKE and Shogo Otsuka claimed that while Spunk has been exiled from his own promotion, they will do everything in their power to keep his legacy intact. With Wataru Araya assisting them, they have declared war on the Ministry X. YUSUKE claimed that while Spunk's kickpads were too big for him to fill with as little experience as he has, but he will put absolutely everything he has into fighting in his name. Shogo claimed that he will keep his focus on Spunk Pro as he continues his approach on WILD, as Spunk Pro will always be his home. Shogo chalked his recent loss to MAX up to the laws of probability; he simply couldn't beat MAX everytime they stepped into the ring together. He has reached a peace with losing the title, and claimed he did all that he could to elevate it, and that it is somebody else's turn now, while he wants to turn his attention now to working against heavyweights in Spunk Pro, challening Brad Wolf and maybe even Jesus X!
In T-Team news, Lester "T" Bourbon was furious still, and while he made quite an example of 001, stated that his next target was Imago X, Jesus X's new glory boy. He says that while he has vested interest in the Jesus X vs D match, the outcome doesn't matter to him all too much. He knows he can defeat D, but would much rather challenge Jesus X again and destroy him. Bobo "T" Gomez spoke confidently about his upcoming title match against Brad Wolf. He said that Wolf can bring in all the back-up he wants, but when it comes time for them to face off 1 on 1, he has Wolf's moves scouted, and will suplex his boots off, then pawn them to buy gold chains. Mr. T is focused on holding onto the tag titles, and will be watching the match between Alabama Dan and Hobo Joe, and Super Jew and Shakin' Tom very closely, as the winner of that match will most likely be their next opponents. When asked about the Heavyweight Title, he claimed he has been down that road a few times, and is letting Lester have his time to shine, and will back him up 100%. But he did not altogether throw out the idea of him challenging for the title sometime in the future.
We caught up with Billy Hollywood, alongside "Dangerous" Lou Hoffman. We asked Hollywoof what he had planned next, now that he has established himself as the AVN Champion, Billy said that he will continue to defend the belt, and that just today he defended the belt against a woman jogging in the park, and rolled a videotape of him throwing the title at a woman, then rolling her up for a 3 count in the middle of the park! When asked why he hasn't appeared on recent Spunk Pro shows, he claimed that everyone was out to get him in the locker room, and that he was having problems even getting to the ring to have his match. He said him and Lou were working on getting higher security measures so he can make more appearances in public, and make more money so he can buy himself a new set of breast implants. He then said that he would be remembered as the most fighting champion in Spunk Pro history, and would even defend the title right now, as he clocked Lou with the title and covered him, counting his own pinfall!
We tried to catch up to MAX, DEMOS and RUINER, but our camera crew was attacked, and we had to flee for our own safety.
Spunk Pro 1.16.06
SPUNK PRO WRESTLING~! Drawing 367 fans at the Warwick Vets Highschool in Warwick, RI.
1. Jun Mochizuki (16:20 - Kanrakuyoha Elbow) Power CHUCK
-- Power Chuck returning from an EXCURSION to god knows where, wrestling like Kensuke Sasaki. The point is, though, he looked very, very good in this match. He took his elder, Jun to the limits, which was unexpected.
2. Evo-01 Tag Championship: LRI (Stuart Robinson/VD Dod(O))(C) (35:36 - Dod Clutch) Sexual Deviantz (Pete Batfarti(X)/Goat Banga)
-- Match really went a bit longer than it had any right going, but LRI keep things incredibly watchable somehow. LRI laid down a challenge to the top tag teams in Spunk Pro, saying 'Fuck these B-team bitches, we are the best.'
After the match, Nickelangelo came out and ate an entire pizza in front of the livid Pete Batfarti after his loss. What an insult.
3. Dink(O)/Travis Wilkes/Tom Johnson (17:12 - Hurricanrana) ZOKUGAI (MAX(O)/DEMOS/RUINER)
-- Dink assembling a team of SUPERSTARS to face the newly formed team of ZOKUGAI, led by MAX. Dink with a quick roll up on MAX gets the win over the newly crowned champion, and leaves him FURIOUS. A large scale, heel beatdown followed, leaving the faces down and out.
4. Alabama Dan (11:46 - Alabama Knee Lift -> Alabama Clutch) Super Jew
-- Super Jew making his first appearance in Spunk Pro since being fired for STEROID ABUSE~! a few months back, with Shakin' Tom by his side. Dan simply overpowered him, and was able to take it home with the Alabama Knee, followed by the Alabama Clutch for the textbook 3 count! After the match, Dan celebrated as Tom came in and started going all WARRYA~! on him! Hobo Joe came out to defend his partner, and then like, all of Bozac-Gun came out, resulting in a massive pull apart. MAH GAWD! THINGS ARE HEATING UP!
5. Special Forces (Brad Wolf(O)/Lee Stone (debut)) (26:41 - Elevated Wolfhammer) The T-Team (Mr. T/Bobo "T" Gomez)
-- The debut of Wolf's partner from the marines, Lee Stone proves to be a HOSS as all 4 men tear up the ring in this tag match. Bobo, the number 1 contender for Brad's International Title made a good showing for himself, but was 'toying' with Wolf a bit too much, leading to a Sheer Drop Reverse DDT (Elevated Wolfhammer) nearly knocking him out!
6. Lester "T" Bourbon (8:24 - Axe Bomber) 001
-- Lester declared war on the Ministry, starting tonight with the biggest of them all, 001. 001 played a role in Lester's title shot, where he lost due to the entire Ministry getting involved. 001 has been on a losing streak of late, and Jesus X has shown his disapproval of this, with the animosity between him and his 'project' growing with every show. 001 has been on a massive losing streak, and this was no different... After the match, Jesus X berated him, and told him to pay attention to Imago X, the man who ran down during the title match, to see exactly what his new project is capable of, and how he has become obsolete!
7. Ministry X (Jesus X(O)/Prophet D/Imago X (debut)) (24:11 - Crucifixion of the Damned) Spunk-Gun (Shogo Otsuka/YUSUKE(X)/Wataru Araya)
-- Spunk is gone, but his army lives on, as they asked for this match to defend his honor, and vowed to continue teaming in Spunk Pro even without him present in the ring. Imago X proved to fight a lot like a younger Chris Benoit, with a vicious, yet technical style, and should be somebody to look for in the future. YUSUKE fell to the champion's Cobra Clutch Crossface, but after a valiant effort.
After the match, The Ministry stood in the ring together, and declared their dominance in Spunk Pro! Jesus X and D shook hands, claiming their title match would be at the next show at the RI Indoor Sports Arena, and would easily be the best match in Spunk Pro history. The T-Team hit the ring, as Lester apparently couldn't handle this anymore, claiming he was screwed! Lester hexed Imago, saying that his first singles match would be at the next show, and he would feel the POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUNCE-UH Bomber... PERIOD.
1. Jun Mochizuki (16:20 - Kanrakuyoha Elbow) Power CHUCK
-- Power Chuck returning from an EXCURSION to god knows where, wrestling like Kensuke Sasaki. The point is, though, he looked very, very good in this match. He took his elder, Jun to the limits, which was unexpected.
2. Evo-01 Tag Championship: LRI (Stuart Robinson/VD Dod(O))(C) (35:36 - Dod Clutch) Sexual Deviantz (Pete Batfarti(X)/Goat Banga)
-- Match really went a bit longer than it had any right going, but LRI keep things incredibly watchable somehow. LRI laid down a challenge to the top tag teams in Spunk Pro, saying 'Fuck these B-team bitches, we are the best.'
After the match, Nickelangelo came out and ate an entire pizza in front of the livid Pete Batfarti after his loss. What an insult.
3. Dink(O)/Travis Wilkes/Tom Johnson (17:12 - Hurricanrana) ZOKUGAI (MAX(O)/DEMOS/RUINER)
-- Dink assembling a team of SUPERSTARS to face the newly formed team of ZOKUGAI, led by MAX. Dink with a quick roll up on MAX gets the win over the newly crowned champion, and leaves him FURIOUS. A large scale, heel beatdown followed, leaving the faces down and out.
4. Alabama Dan (11:46 - Alabama Knee Lift -> Alabama Clutch) Super Jew
-- Super Jew making his first appearance in Spunk Pro since being fired for STEROID ABUSE~! a few months back, with Shakin' Tom by his side. Dan simply overpowered him, and was able to take it home with the Alabama Knee, followed by the Alabama Clutch for the textbook 3 count! After the match, Dan celebrated as Tom came in and started going all WARRYA~! on him! Hobo Joe came out to defend his partner, and then like, all of Bozac-Gun came out, resulting in a massive pull apart. MAH GAWD! THINGS ARE HEATING UP!
5. Special Forces (Brad Wolf(O)/Lee Stone (debut)) (26:41 - Elevated Wolfhammer) The T-Team (Mr. T/Bobo "T" Gomez)
-- The debut of Wolf's partner from the marines, Lee Stone proves to be a HOSS as all 4 men tear up the ring in this tag match. Bobo, the number 1 contender for Brad's International Title made a good showing for himself, but was 'toying' with Wolf a bit too much, leading to a Sheer Drop Reverse DDT (Elevated Wolfhammer) nearly knocking him out!
6. Lester "T" Bourbon (8:24 - Axe Bomber) 001
-- Lester declared war on the Ministry, starting tonight with the biggest of them all, 001. 001 played a role in Lester's title shot, where he lost due to the entire Ministry getting involved. 001 has been on a losing streak of late, and Jesus X has shown his disapproval of this, with the animosity between him and his 'project' growing with every show. 001 has been on a massive losing streak, and this was no different... After the match, Jesus X berated him, and told him to pay attention to Imago X, the man who ran down during the title match, to see exactly what his new project is capable of, and how he has become obsolete!
7. Ministry X (Jesus X(O)/Prophet D/Imago X (debut)) (24:11 - Crucifixion of the Damned) Spunk-Gun (Shogo Otsuka/YUSUKE(X)/Wataru Araya)
-- Spunk is gone, but his army lives on, as they asked for this match to defend his honor, and vowed to continue teaming in Spunk Pro even without him present in the ring. Imago X proved to fight a lot like a younger Chris Benoit, with a vicious, yet technical style, and should be somebody to look for in the future. YUSUKE fell to the champion's Cobra Clutch Crossface, but after a valiant effort.
After the match, The Ministry stood in the ring together, and declared their dominance in Spunk Pro! Jesus X and D shook hands, claiming their title match would be at the next show at the RI Indoor Sports Arena, and would easily be the best match in Spunk Pro history. The T-Team hit the ring, as Lester apparently couldn't handle this anymore, claiming he was screwed! Lester hexed Imago, saying that his first singles match would be at the next show, and he would feel the POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUNCE-UH Bomber... PERIOD.
Spunk Pro 1.12.06
LIVE from the Murray Center in North Providence, RI.. Drawing a crowd of 5,331 its SPUNK.. PRO!
1. Plasterlock Challenge: Nickelangelo (:06 - Plasterlock) Some Dude
--Another blatantly planted fan is picked out of the audience. Yet another Greek food offering was made, in the form of a pizza again, except he upped the ante to TWO pizzas now, what a guy. Traditional greek pizza, hmm? This fan was kinda pudgy, as he obviously really likes pizza or something. Nickelangelo gets the PLASTERLOCK applied when RenegaYdawg throws his sandal at the guy's face, and Asstaco low blows him, making him pass out. Nickelangelo then starts chowing down on the pizza when the Pee-Wee's Playhouse theme comes on, scaring the shit out of Nickelangelo for some reason (granted, not enough to stop eating pizza).
2. DiNk/Travis Wilkes(O) (21:05 - Lightning Cradle) DEMOS/RUINER(X)
-- This whole ordeal stems from Bozac Pro, as the aborted hand of Martha Dumptruck was caused by DEMOS. Apparently DEMOS has a partner now in havoc, trying to make Dink's life a living hell (for what reason, we don't really know). But Dink's backup came in a 'prodigal son' of sorts in Travis Wilkes. Travis Wilkes was a Spunk trainee who left the gym after a few months of training to join NDP. Wilkes had a decent run in NDP, even winning a huge match at the Evo-01 event to get a IHW Junior title shot, only to be defeated in WILD soon after.
Wilkes has been working all over since then, but has now finally chosen to appear in Spunk Pro to come to the aid of the Dinkster. Wilkes made an impressive Spunk Pro debut pinning RUINER after an enzuiguri and a LiGHTNING CRADLE for the 3-count.
3. Bozac-Gun (Jimmy Snotz(O)/Donnie Blood) (18:23 - Fire Thunder Whip) Walking Talking Stereotypes (Alabama Dan(X)/Hobo Joe)
-- The debut in Spunk Pro of two of Bozac Pro's acquisitions. Two guys basically in street clothes using a lot of weapons. Imagine them facing off with Hobo Joe, whom is also a weapons whore. Nevermind Dan who is just a fucking asshole of a brawler. This was obviously a match Druid was wanking over due to the HARDCOREness of it. It is Bozac Pro tradition for every 'homegrown' guy to use a normal DDT to try to end the matches, and it never fucking works.
The Bozac Pro guys looked impressive, I guess. But there is only so far 'impressive' can take you against a world class tag team. Things were looking ugly for them, when all of a sudden SUPERJEW and SHAKIN' TOM rush through the crowd! Spear on Dan by Super Jew! Roid Rage on Joe! My god... Fiyah Sundah Bomb on Dan! 1............2............3!
4. Mr. T (10:13 - B.A.D.) YUSUKE
-- There is quite a backstory to this one. Mr. T is a man that has been with Spunk Pro from the very beginning, as the very first champion, and has always been seen as one of the biggest roadblocks in the climb to the top. YUSUKE is the prodigy from Spunk's gym, only debuted a matter of months ago and has seen more spotlight than most debuting wrestlers in Spunk Pro will see in a year. YUSUKE has proven to be a thorn in Mr. T's side, with his MAXIMUM German Suplex, pinning Mr. T upon his debut, and proving to be a thorn in his side at every turn.
T isn't looking for a simple win here, he is looking to punish this young upstart, and possibly end his career here... But then again, its Mr. FUCKING T, he is like that with everybody he faces. YUSUKE fights a never-say-die style, though, summoning the spirit of Ti'en Yangisawa and taking multiple chokeslams and kicking out. But the B.A.D. means GOOD-FUCKING-NIGHT, foo! This has proven to not be YUSUKE's weekend.
5. Spunk Pro Junior Championship: MAX (17:47 - High Bridge German Suplex Hold) Shogo Otsuka (C)
-- Shogo down! Shogo down! MAX finally pulls the big W out on Shogo, and fought like his life depended on this match. His left arm looked like it was about to fall off as it was twisted up so badly, but he kept fighting back! After the match, Shogo offered his hand to MAX, MAX took it, only to flip him around and plant him on his head with a German Suplex.
6. Loser Leaves Town Match: Prophet D (18:01 - Last Fantasy of Christ) Spunk
-- The build to this is fucking intense. Hell, you could cut the tension with a Lester "T" Bourbon brand steak knife if you so chose to do so. D and X were Spunk's premire students upon opening up his gym, only for X to splinter away due to his massive ego, leaving D as Spunk's lone successor. D and Jesus X have fueded throughout Spunk Pro's history, with D's older brother always ending up with the upperhand. Finally when D failed in his trial series, losing to Spunk, something snapped. As Spunk was fighting for the Spunk Pro title against Jesus X, D came out... The fans thought for moral support for Spunk, only for D to nail Spunk with a lariat, leading into the finish. Since then, D has followed his older brother, and foresaken his relationship with Spunk.
Tonight we see a battered and bruised Spunk from Thursday night's WILD show going against a fresh D, but Spunk knowing what is at stake here; the company that he has built up, and a young, rising star on the path of destruction. D pulled out all the stops, taking it to the air a few times to get Spunk off of his feet, as well as brawling on the outside and powerbombing him onto the exposed floor! D kept his focus on the legs of Spunk, after seeing what happened to him on Thursday night, as well as the back of the head/neck area. Spunk nailed a sick high kick at the 15 minute mark, but was too busy grasping at his leg to be able to make the cover.
When he finally does, D is able to kick-out, leading into a Gorilla Clutch! Spunk seems at his wit's end, but refuses to tap out! D looking for a lariat -- CONNECTS@! 1.........2........NO! 2.99! Spunk somehow powers out of it! D propping him up top, oh no.. Not this! Spunk trying to fight it off! D with a lariat to a propped up Spunk! He drapes him over his shoulders ---- THE LAST. FANTASY. OF CHRIST!!!! He just nailed a fucking BURNING HAMMER!! He makes the cover... 1............2............3! This one is over! Spunk has been defeated, and will be forced to leave his own promotion! Spunk is immobile at the moment, as they have to stretcher him out, as D with Jesus X by his side chuckle. X grabs a microphone and proclaims that he is now the power in Spunk Pro, with D by his side -- they are unstoppable.
D asked for a title shot, and Jesus X granted it to him, as long as he makes it through Lester tonight.
7. Spunk Pro World Championship: Jesus X(C) (21:05 -Superkick) Lester "T" Bourbon
-- This is it, the match where its all on the line. The unstoppable T-Team, featuring Lester "T" Bourbon, Mr. T and Bobo Gomez have steam-rolled the competition since their formation. Lester forming an alliance with Mr. T and rejuvinating his career and setting him on the path of destruction once again. Since then, they've won the Spunk Pro Tag titles off of Spunk and Shogo Otsuka, and Lester won a 3-way match, defeating Jesus X's little brother with a Sleeperhold to get a shot at Jesus X here tonight!
Jesus X celebrated his 1-year anniversary as the champ on December 16th, putting him in the Spunk Pro record books, and has proven to be the dominant force throughout this year in Spunk Pro. Coming seemingly out of nowhere to win the title from a battered and bruised Dink, this self-proclaimed son of god has gone from a man that people were hard-sold on, to one of the most dominant competitors in Spunk Pro history.
Tonight, Lester Bourbon proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is one of the toughest men in Spunk Pro today. By the 15 minute mark he had Jesus X reeling, with a series of Last Rides (the same series that put Spunk away for the Tag Titles), followed by a Pedo-gree for a kickout! He nails an Axe Bomber only for X to kick out! A big boot -- Leg Drop! AND JESUS X GETS UP! Lester looks frustrated, as he nails a double arm suplex. Uh oh, it looks like its POOOOOOOOOOUNCE-Bomber time! He bounces off the ropes -- SUPERKICK!! 1..........2.........2.99! That was close!
Lester heading up top for an elbowdrop -- AND ITS D! D with a chairshot! Lester is crotched now, and Jesus is looking for the Sign of the X from the top! AND HERE COMES MR. T! MR. T! He is brawling it out with D! Lester able to elbow Jesus X off of him, Mr. T has D down... He looks like he is going for the B.A.D... ITS 001! Lariat on T! We have pandemonium on the outside! Lester looks like he is setting up for a top rope leg drop! This would clearly be the end of this match! Wait, who the fuck is that! Somebody is out there now, short white hair and eyeliner it looks like distracting Lester! He shakes the ropes, Lester is falling towards the ring, and Jesus X is up -- HE CATCHES HIM WITH A SUPERKICK COMING OFF THE TOP!!!! 1!!!! 2!!! 3!!!! And Jesus X is still your champion, folks!
1. Plasterlock Challenge: Nickelangelo (:06 - Plasterlock) Some Dude
--Another blatantly planted fan is picked out of the audience. Yet another Greek food offering was made, in the form of a pizza again, except he upped the ante to TWO pizzas now, what a guy. Traditional greek pizza, hmm? This fan was kinda pudgy, as he obviously really likes pizza or something. Nickelangelo gets the PLASTERLOCK applied when RenegaYdawg throws his sandal at the guy's face, and Asstaco low blows him, making him pass out. Nickelangelo then starts chowing down on the pizza when the Pee-Wee's Playhouse theme comes on, scaring the shit out of Nickelangelo for some reason (granted, not enough to stop eating pizza).
2. DiNk/Travis Wilkes(O) (21:05 - Lightning Cradle) DEMOS/RUINER(X)
-- This whole ordeal stems from Bozac Pro, as the aborted hand of Martha Dumptruck was caused by DEMOS. Apparently DEMOS has a partner now in havoc, trying to make Dink's life a living hell (for what reason, we don't really know). But Dink's backup came in a 'prodigal son' of sorts in Travis Wilkes. Travis Wilkes was a Spunk trainee who left the gym after a few months of training to join NDP. Wilkes had a decent run in NDP, even winning a huge match at the Evo-01 event to get a IHW Junior title shot, only to be defeated in WILD soon after.
Wilkes has been working all over since then, but has now finally chosen to appear in Spunk Pro to come to the aid of the Dinkster. Wilkes made an impressive Spunk Pro debut pinning RUINER after an enzuiguri and a LiGHTNING CRADLE for the 3-count.
3. Bozac-Gun (Jimmy Snotz(O)/Donnie Blood) (18:23 - Fire Thunder Whip) Walking Talking Stereotypes (Alabama Dan(X)/Hobo Joe)
-- The debut in Spunk Pro of two of Bozac Pro's acquisitions. Two guys basically in street clothes using a lot of weapons. Imagine them facing off with Hobo Joe, whom is also a weapons whore. Nevermind Dan who is just a fucking asshole of a brawler. This was obviously a match Druid was wanking over due to the HARDCOREness of it. It is Bozac Pro tradition for every 'homegrown' guy to use a normal DDT to try to end the matches, and it never fucking works.
The Bozac Pro guys looked impressive, I guess. But there is only so far 'impressive' can take you against a world class tag team. Things were looking ugly for them, when all of a sudden SUPERJEW and SHAKIN' TOM rush through the crowd! Spear on Dan by Super Jew! Roid Rage on Joe! My god... Fiyah Sundah Bomb on Dan! 1............2............3!
4. Mr. T (10:13 - B.A.D.) YUSUKE
-- There is quite a backstory to this one. Mr. T is a man that has been with Spunk Pro from the very beginning, as the very first champion, and has always been seen as one of the biggest roadblocks in the climb to the top. YUSUKE is the prodigy from Spunk's gym, only debuted a matter of months ago and has seen more spotlight than most debuting wrestlers in Spunk Pro will see in a year. YUSUKE has proven to be a thorn in Mr. T's side, with his MAXIMUM German Suplex, pinning Mr. T upon his debut, and proving to be a thorn in his side at every turn.
T isn't looking for a simple win here, he is looking to punish this young upstart, and possibly end his career here... But then again, its Mr. FUCKING T, he is like that with everybody he faces. YUSUKE fights a never-say-die style, though, summoning the spirit of Ti'en Yangisawa and taking multiple chokeslams and kicking out. But the B.A.D. means GOOD-FUCKING-NIGHT, foo! This has proven to not be YUSUKE's weekend.
5. Spunk Pro Junior Championship: MAX (17:47 - High Bridge German Suplex Hold) Shogo Otsuka (C)
-- Shogo down! Shogo down! MAX finally pulls the big W out on Shogo, and fought like his life depended on this match. His left arm looked like it was about to fall off as it was twisted up so badly, but he kept fighting back! After the match, Shogo offered his hand to MAX, MAX took it, only to flip him around and plant him on his head with a German Suplex.
6. Loser Leaves Town Match: Prophet D (18:01 - Last Fantasy of Christ) Spunk
-- The build to this is fucking intense. Hell, you could cut the tension with a Lester "T" Bourbon brand steak knife if you so chose to do so. D and X were Spunk's premire students upon opening up his gym, only for X to splinter away due to his massive ego, leaving D as Spunk's lone successor. D and Jesus X have fueded throughout Spunk Pro's history, with D's older brother always ending up with the upperhand. Finally when D failed in his trial series, losing to Spunk, something snapped. As Spunk was fighting for the Spunk Pro title against Jesus X, D came out... The fans thought for moral support for Spunk, only for D to nail Spunk with a lariat, leading into the finish. Since then, D has followed his older brother, and foresaken his relationship with Spunk.
Tonight we see a battered and bruised Spunk from Thursday night's WILD show going against a fresh D, but Spunk knowing what is at stake here; the company that he has built up, and a young, rising star on the path of destruction. D pulled out all the stops, taking it to the air a few times to get Spunk off of his feet, as well as brawling on the outside and powerbombing him onto the exposed floor! D kept his focus on the legs of Spunk, after seeing what happened to him on Thursday night, as well as the back of the head/neck area. Spunk nailed a sick high kick at the 15 minute mark, but was too busy grasping at his leg to be able to make the cover.
When he finally does, D is able to kick-out, leading into a Gorilla Clutch! Spunk seems at his wit's end, but refuses to tap out! D looking for a lariat -- CONNECTS@! 1.........2........NO! 2.99! Spunk somehow powers out of it! D propping him up top, oh no.. Not this! Spunk trying to fight it off! D with a lariat to a propped up Spunk! He drapes him over his shoulders ---- THE LAST. FANTASY. OF CHRIST!!!! He just nailed a fucking BURNING HAMMER!! He makes the cover... 1............2............3! This one is over! Spunk has been defeated, and will be forced to leave his own promotion! Spunk is immobile at the moment, as they have to stretcher him out, as D with Jesus X by his side chuckle. X grabs a microphone and proclaims that he is now the power in Spunk Pro, with D by his side -- they are unstoppable.
D asked for a title shot, and Jesus X granted it to him, as long as he makes it through Lester tonight.
7. Spunk Pro World Championship: Jesus X(C) (21:05 -Superkick) Lester "T" Bourbon
-- This is it, the match where its all on the line. The unstoppable T-Team, featuring Lester "T" Bourbon, Mr. T and Bobo Gomez have steam-rolled the competition since their formation. Lester forming an alliance with Mr. T and rejuvinating his career and setting him on the path of destruction once again. Since then, they've won the Spunk Pro Tag titles off of Spunk and Shogo Otsuka, and Lester won a 3-way match, defeating Jesus X's little brother with a Sleeperhold to get a shot at Jesus X here tonight!
Jesus X celebrated his 1-year anniversary as the champ on December 16th, putting him in the Spunk Pro record books, and has proven to be the dominant force throughout this year in Spunk Pro. Coming seemingly out of nowhere to win the title from a battered and bruised Dink, this self-proclaimed son of god has gone from a man that people were hard-sold on, to one of the most dominant competitors in Spunk Pro history.
Tonight, Lester Bourbon proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is one of the toughest men in Spunk Pro today. By the 15 minute mark he had Jesus X reeling, with a series of Last Rides (the same series that put Spunk away for the Tag Titles), followed by a Pedo-gree for a kickout! He nails an Axe Bomber only for X to kick out! A big boot -- Leg Drop! AND JESUS X GETS UP! Lester looks frustrated, as he nails a double arm suplex. Uh oh, it looks like its POOOOOOOOOOUNCE-Bomber time! He bounces off the ropes -- SUPERKICK!! 1..........2.........2.99! That was close!
Lester heading up top for an elbowdrop -- AND ITS D! D with a chairshot! Lester is crotched now, and Jesus is looking for the Sign of the X from the top! AND HERE COMES MR. T! MR. T! He is brawling it out with D! Lester able to elbow Jesus X off of him, Mr. T has D down... He looks like he is going for the B.A.D... ITS 001! Lariat on T! We have pandemonium on the outside! Lester looks like he is setting up for a top rope leg drop! This would clearly be the end of this match! Wait, who the fuck is that! Somebody is out there now, short white hair and eyeliner it looks like distracting Lester! He shakes the ropes, Lester is falling towards the ring, and Jesus X is up -- HE CATCHES HIM WITH A SUPERKICK COMING OFF THE TOP!!!! 1!!!! 2!!! 3!!!! And Jesus X is still your champion, folks!
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