
Spunk Pro 10.4.06 - Riot II

Spunk Pro 10.4.06 - RI Indoor Sports Arena (1,233 fans)

Welcome folks to a hot night of SPUNK PRO WRESTLING ACTION! As always, we here at Spunk Pro are here to deliver the hottest pro-wrestling action to you, the fan of professional wrestling as the Spunk Pro International Championship is up for grabs! The young supernova YUSUKE faces off against one of his 3 mentors; Manakuro Marakuso in what should be an epic bout. Marakuso the first ever Spunk Pro International champion, and last time we saw him he was tapping out to one of YUSUKE's jujigatames! On top of that we have Jesus X facing off with 001's new partner, 002, Bobo "T" Gomez facing off against the UNDEFEATED HAVOK and a hell of a lot more here from Spunk Pr--OH WHAT THE HELL! Its that rat-fink-wolf-bastard Tommy Fie-err.. THOMAS R. FUCKING FIERO! What is he doing here? You'd think after what happened at the last show he'd know better, but there he is, megaphone in hand, on top of a moon-shaped stage shouting about the ECLIPSE invasion and the heroic Valiant Underground trying to sell tickets to that soon-to-be box-office flop 'Wrestle Wars!' There is Biff Mongo and some fucking Moon Robot Demon-thingy handing out fliers and free tickets to the premier! This humble reporter is proud to say Spunk Pro fans are taking acception to this, as the ones in the know seem to be ripping up the passes, but Captain Kickass, Red Coogan and a few other of his goons seem to be forcing these upon people.

Well, the first match is underway, as we cut away from the mob scene just outside the doors to the arena, we are told our security is trying to do something about this, but anyway... Ken Hunt faces off with Spunk in the opening match, a rare chance for a Young Dragon to get a chance to face the champion, and Spunk looks pissed! Wait, we are just getting word now that D has shown up tonight with his arm in a sling, that his shoulder was torqued by Captain Kickass's Whatever-the-hell-he-wants-to-call-it Clutch last show! Doctors have told him he has a torn tendon in his shouler and blew out his rotator cuff. Spunk is fighting with a fire tonight against this young guy, as he is just beating the shit out of him! Hunt in the corner and Spunk is continually kicking him in the face, and the ref has called for the bell... Hunt is in a bloody heap, as Spunk holds the title up, calls out Fiero and grabs a towel to help clean up the young Hunt as he helps him to his feet and raises his hand. But you gotta wonder what is going through his mind, as he knows Fiero and his goons are just outside the door, and that his young protege is out for god know's how long!

Next up we have Bobo "T" Gomez facing off against the undefeated machine Havok! Wait, is that... Seamus McFadden!? In stripes. God, I know stripes are supposed to be flattering to fat people, but McFadden looks like an overstuffed, stumpy, balding zebra with a green belt. This is just embarassing, as he is apparently imposing his will on the WWA officials and claiming the former commisioner of Pro-Wrestling WILD. Wait a minute, Bobo "T" Gomez is coming out in his old attire, the blue jeans and torn prison shirt, no gold chains.. Whats going on here? Bobo corrects our esteemed announcer, Asstaco that he is no longer Bobo "T" Gomez, but simply Bobo Gomez! What the... Hell, Havok attacks from behind! Half Nelson suplex connects! What followed was a brawl that tore the house down, Bobo Gomez reverting to his former smashmouth style, with less of a focus on the suplexes and saving youth centers. Sorry YMCA, fuck off its hobo smashin' time! Bobo seems to be building up to finishing him off with the Muso, but Havok is just too tough. Its rights and lefts, suplexes and other insanity as we are building to a head here! Bobo fighting off the Blackout, and Havok turning the Muso into a few well-placed elbows to the head. Gomez with a nasty series of chops, as Havok is just taking it -- NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB! And He looks for the cover, but seems too tired to make it... McFadden pulls him over! 1! 2! 3! fast count! Its over! McFadden raises Havok's hand, as he looks on in disbelief. It looks like he is willing to take this though, as he staggers up and looks down at Bobo and smiles, McFadden raising his hand. McFadden offers him his hand, and he takes it! The crowd is all over him, bah gawd has he made a deal with the devil!?

We'll give you a report on those bastards from I guess what was the VWA, if that really was at all anywhere near real, the Hollywood bastards. They are still there, arguing with security, causing a near-riot on the outside! The police are coming out there and asking them to leave... This is not pretty, well, back to the arena! Its not worth giving these guys TV time! The Young Guns of Tom Johnson and the Spunk Pro Jr Champ Wataru Araya face off with OdZ's Power CHUCK and DEMOS! DEMOS wants Wataru, Wataru wants to keep his respect and his title, but he can't sit back anymore and let DEMOS run wild -- it has to stop. DEMOS and CHUCK really take it to these young guys, as RUINER watches, with his cast on his arm. A sickening crack is heard later on in the bout as CHUCK and DEMOS distract the ref and RUINER cracks Araya over the head with his cast! It looks like he is out! DEMOS applies a surfboard of sorts, and CHUCK is wailing away on him, the ref steps in and it looks like he is out! Giant pull apart ensues now as the Young Guns and OdZ face off, we have officials out here to restore order. Next up Jesus X earned a tough-fought victory over the newcomer 002. This match was to deliver a message to 001 that he was ready to reap his revenge on him! It was 2 Final Cuts followed by the Sign of the X that finished him off. Jesus X feigned like he was going to tear his mask off, but 001 made the save, which brought out more officials (lots of them tonight, apparently) and 001 absolutely decimated them! Chokeslams for all! Jesus X is backing off as Judas and Imago are helping him to the back.

This leads us to the reason we have a packed house here -- the main event! Manakuro Marakuso's challenge for the Spunk Pro International Championship, challenging his young pupil in his first defense! What we saw was nothing less than an astonishing display of matwork and heart. Marakuso starts the match off dominating the former amatuer-wrestler YUSUKE on the mat, while young YUSUKE attempts to regain control. Marakuso's arm is wrapped up from the armbar the other night, which apparently really hurt him. This was the opening he needed, as a wakigatame catches him and puts him in a bad way! The rest of the match is worked around Marakuso trying to recompose himself while YUSUKE tries to rip his mentor's arm apart bit by bit. Marakuso trying to make his comeback with a series of leg kicks and he goes for the enzuiguri -- ducked! YUSUKE with a juji! Juji! He has it locked in, but Marakuso makes it to the ropes! The fans are going wild for this hot SPUNK PRO ACTION, as both men make their way to their feet. YUSUKE with a series of right and left shoudas, a few mid-kicks and a knee to Marakuso's face! Marakuso is going down, but YUSUKE catches him - MAXIMUM GERMAN SUPLEX!! 1........ 2...........2.999999! YUSUKE floats over -- hizajujigatame! He has him in the knee bar, but Marakuso rolls into it and has his shoulders down!! 1!! 2!! NO! The fans are roaring now, as Marakuso is calling for the finish.. He has him in a Cobra Twist, and takes him to the mat!! 1!!! 2!! YUSUKE GETS THE JUJI LOCKED IN!! This has to be it! This has to be it! Marakuso is screaming out in pain as he has it fully extended, this has to be it! The fans are going nuts, and Marakuso cuts back into a cradle! 1! 2! NO! The roof is about to blow off of the RI Indoor Sports Arena! Marakuso looking to lock in the Dragon Sleeper, but YUSUKE with a few kicks to the temple! He lets go, staggers up as YUSUKE rushes at him, looking for the YU-Bomber, he ducks, goes behind! Full nelson applied, he is going for the Dragon Suplex! YUSUKE won't go up, he is fighting it, but he has him almost over! Elbows him in his bad arm! He drops him -- OVERHEAD KICK! YUSUKE quickly floats over and applies the jujigatame! Marakuso tries to fight it, but there is nowhere to go! He taps! He taps! YUSUKE retains! YUSUKE RETAINS!

YUSUKE and Marakuso stand together in the ring, Marakuso favoring his arm as he raises YUSUKE's hand, the ref presenting him the title! Tears fill YUSUKE's eyes, as he has defeated his mentor in a fantastic bout, proven his heart is full of gold! YUSUKE celebrates -- wait! WHAT THE -- FIERO!? FIERO IN THE RING! HE NAILS THE WHAMMY BAR, THE CUT!! WHATEVER THE HELL IT IS ON THE EXHAUSTED YUSUKE! YUSUKE down! Wait, some of his goons are around the ring with a camera! Jonas McKidd has a clip board with him as he is taking notes, and this is just disgusting! Coogan in the ring and he nails a backdrop on the exhausted Marakuso! McKidd in the ring as Tommy Fie-err, Thomas R. Fiero, that fucking rat fink piece of pretentious trash is out there barking orders, saying he wants it framed better! Framed better?! This is pro-fucking-wrestling, not some fucking film shoot! McKidd is laying the boots into YUSUKE, as he is repositioning him to Tommy's calls, Tommy is yelling something about Martin Scorsese, yelling he wants a 'Cape Fear' shot. CAPE FEAR!? THIS IS PRO-WRESTLING! THIS IS SPUNK PRO WRESTLING! SPUNK PRO! SPUNK -- ITS SPUNK! Spunk in the ring, he is cleaning house! Goes for a high kick on Jonas, but he rolls out of the ring. Spunk points at Tommy, he throws the Spunk Pro Championship down and points at it, and then at Tommy, and the fans are going wild! They want this to happen, they want Fiero to get his due! Tommy moves towards the ring, but then backs out, claiming he is an artist, not some layman. He gets on the mic and says he wants that title, saying it would make for a good hood ornament! That rat bastard! He is just using this industry, this industry that was built by the boys in the back and their respect for this business, he is using it to promote some shitty movie! Nobody wants to fight the champ, Spunk looks like he is leaving, and he catches a view of Kickass! Kickass blindsides him! It looks like we have an impromptu match underway! This is an all out brawl, with Fiero's guys on one side of the ring, and Spunk Pro guys on the otherside! Its a fuckin' lumberjack match of sorts! Spunk is just laying into Kickass here, letting out all of his agression on Kickass's face! Things are looking bleak, but Kickass gets him on theoutside, and Fiero and McKidd with the cheap shots on him! Wait! YUSUKE diving off the ring steps with a kneel kick taking them all out! Its all out havok (not the wrassler) in here! Fans are clawing at Fiero! Spunk back in, but he is hurt! Kickass with what looks like a loaded fist -- RIGHT TO THE FACE! Spunk is busted wide open here, and Kickass looks to be in firm control! Kickass with a Freedomplex! The Freedomplex on Spunk! 1!!!!! 2!!!!!! 2.9999! He barely gets out! The fans are going mental, the arena is going insane! Fiero is starting to try to flee again, but the fans aren't letting him go! Kickass with a series of rights and lefts on Spunk, he is going for another Freedomple it looks! Things look bleak! INSIDE CRADLE!! 1!!! 2!!! 3!! Spunk with the win! Spunk has defeated Kickass! Kickass looks like he just shit his pants, as Fiero is screaming at him that he ruined his shot! Spunk up and he nails Kickass with a kick to the head! Kickass goes down! Spunk dives out at Fiero! Both sides have converged and its mayhem at ringside! We gotta go, but this is insanity! YUSUKE just nailed Jonas McKidd with the camera! WE'LL SEE YOU NEXT TIME, GET THEM BASTARDS!


1. Spunk (:32 - Ref Stop) Ken Hunt
2. Havok (20:43 - Northern lights Bomb) Bobo Gomez
3. OdZ (DEMOS(O)/Power CHUCK) (16:04 - Surfboard Stretch) Young Guns (Wataru Araya(X)/Tom Johnson)
4. Jesus X (13:03 - Sign of the X) 002
5. Spunk Pro International Championship: YUSUKE (C) (17:56 - Jujigatame) Manakuro Marakuso
6. Spunk (16:51 - Inside Cradle) Captain Kickass

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