
Spunk Pro -- 10.5.07

Spunk Pro

The return of WILD forced Spunk Pro to the back burner for a while, but nothing can put down Spunk Pro for good! When we left off last time, OdZ were defeated by VIOLENCE, and forced to defend the tag team belts against them, and in the main event, Jesus X was decimated by the duo of Lester and Jack Dod, the Champion, and the new UHW Champion! Jesus X is out into the ring first, and looks like he has something on his mind.

Jesus X: Jack Dod, the last time anybody saw me, I was in that Four Figure Leg Lock and all 400 of Lester's pounds dropped down onto my chest, and it was over, it was lights out. But what kind of savior does that make me?

*He pauses and takes a deep breath*

Jesus X: I'm here not only to redeem myself, but to redeem Spunk Pro as a whole. From Fiero to you, Dod, this company has been under constant attack, and I came back to defend this company. I put my pride aside and teamed with Spunk, what I'm doing is for the good of everybody. Now get out here and be a man, Dod, I know you are back there.

Its Jack Dod! Here Jack comes, wearing the UHW Championship around his waist and the Spunk Pro Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder. He grabs a mic from a production guy off to the side and pushes him over, laughing a deep Dod laugh as he looks up at Jesus X, hold sthe mic up to his face, opens his mouth, then stops, Jesus X kicking the ropes at this.

Jesus X: C'mon Jack, cat got your tongue for once? Or are you too good for all of this now that you are on top again?

Jack: You will address me as Jack "Magnus" Dod, Unified WILD Heavyweight and Spunk Pro Champion... OF THE WORLD.

Jesus X: And you'll address me as GOD.

Jack: Hey! Thats my other name!

*The crowd boos as Jack flips them off*

Jack: You all just don't understand true greatness. I am Jack Dod, I am the Champion of the Universe! I will defend my titles against anybody, anywhere and..

Jesus X: Then tonight, Dod, you defend the Spunk Pro Heavyweight Championship against me!

*Jack stops, looks around and starts shaking his head*

Jack: No No No! I didn't mean it like that, I mean..

Jesus X: Then how did you mean it? Clearly, if you are such a great champion you'll have no problem putting little old me away, right?

*Jack spits and paces, visibly upset, the fans are chanting "Pussy" at him as he is trying to get them to shut up, Jesus X is urging them on, as Jack kicks the guard rail*

Jack: You're on!

*The fans go wild as Dod flips them off and heads to the back*

Now we are on to our first match of the evening; Strike Force taking on La Cosa Nostra of Ted Zannino, whom we saw in action last time, and his partner Rick Briggs, along with Raymond Bianco Jr. hot on their tails. You can just smell the cigars and pasta coming from these guys.. YEAH! It was a technical brawl, with La Cosa Nostra cutting off the ring for most of the match, keeping Lee Stone away from making the tag. Lee made a heroic comeback, tagging out to Brad, who came in and cleaned house, only to get brass knux in the face from Bianco, leading into a small package by Zannino for the 3-count! The fans are all over these guys as they rush out of the arena, leaving STrike Force behind, bewildered and hot!

Matt D makes a redebut of sorts next, as it is a certain somebody whom we haven't seen in a year, and he has really grown up. His hair is one color, his body has filled out a bit, and his demeanor just looks incredibly different.. There is no way that this is the same Dink that we all knew and loved! He is taking on MPLL's Camillo del Noche in what turned out to be a high-paced match, but with 'Dink' working a lot smarter than we've ever seen him. That still wasn't enough, as Camillo surprised him with a low blow that the ref didn't catch followed by a crossbody! Matt Dinkerdale goes down!

Next up we have a return match that is all about vengeance after the last show; where Dan Sommers and Big T obliterated Paddy Baker with the B.A.D. Nightmare, after Big T was paid off by Seamus McFadden to take out the Celtic Bruisers. Gabriel was able to make the save before more damage was done, but that was already enough. Had Baker not been, well, Paddy Baker and been a normal man he would have been crippled, but Baker is just too tough. This match was an all-out brawl, with Big T and Sommers looking to attempt to cripple Baker again. The climax of the match came when Sommers lifts Baker up for the Alabama Nightmare and Baker is able to get the blind tag to Gabriel! Baker with an elbow to the head of Sommers, who drops him and stumbles into an inside cradle for the 3-count! Sommers and T are furious as things break down into an all-out brawl (like they always do involving these guys), with the refs having to file out to break this up, as well as half of the locker room.

The Tag Team Championship is up next, as VIOLENCE make their way to the ring! They look ready to take the titles tonight, as fans have been wanting this for a very, very long time.

Here come the champs! As Ominous as ever, and things have gone to hell already! All four men brawling out on the floor, and ZODIAK lays out YUSUKE with the International belt! This is not how they wanted to start off this match! OdZ are putting it to Shogo, being as absolutely relentless as we all know they can be! YUSUKE got in a few times, but was taken out just as quickly. Shogo finally started to launch an assault when he had ZODIAK set up top for a superplex! DEMOS grabs the foot, and Shogo looks down at him -- MIST! ZODIAK setting him up.. Dear god.. No.. No.. DEMON DRIVER FROM THE TOP! He makes the cover... 1.....2....3! OdZ retain! YUSUKE crawls back into the ring as he checks on Shogo, only for DEMOS to push him off, then pick Shogo up and drive him down with a Pedigree!

Lester Bourbon is out now, and is asking if anybody has the guts to stand up to him, if anybody can beat Lester Bourbon. A kid from the crowd jumps over the rail, and announces himself as Ken Shields, former Texas Tech football star and current Arena Football player, who says he'll use his golden arm to take Lester out. Lester laughs and turns away from him, only to turn around and pound him on the back hard! It looks like we have a match. This young kid gave it his all, and lasted far longer than anybody could, mounting all sorts of offense before Lester put him down with the Bourbon Street Slam!

Now its time, for the MAIN EVENT.. For the Spunk Pro Heavyweight Championship! Jesus X out first, looking focused, and Jack Dod out now, wearing both championships. Jesus X looks focused as Dod steps into the ring, as he rushes at Jack, hitting a big dropkick, pushing him into the corner. Jesus X charges at him and nails him with a big knee, then a kick to the back of the head. He is setting up for a superkick already! Dod up, and he ducks under it, and nails a DDT! It is back and forth from here, until Jack Dod gets the upperhand with some salt to the eyes! Jack Dod just peppering Jesus X in the corner with rights and lefts. He throws him off the ropes -- BIG SPEAR! Jesus X is clutching at his ribs, as Jack Dod picks him up by the hair, and wait.. OdZ are at ringside, OdZ, what the hell are they doing here?

Jack Dod with a kick -- WHAM -- DODSMACK!! He nails it, and RUINER and DEMOS are up on the apron.. The ref is trying to shoo them away, as they grab hold, ZODIAK up on the otherside as Jack Dod looks over at him and asks what the hell he is doing -- FIREBALL! FIREBALL! FIREBALL RIGHT TO THE FACE OF JACK DOD! ZODIAK up top -- BIG DIVING LEG DROP ON DOD! He pulls Jesus X over and drapes him over Dod and slides out of the ring, as the other OdZ members hope back as well and the ref slides over for the cover.. 1....2....3! We have a NEW Champion! New Hero! But why did OdZ do that!?

Medics are looking after Jack Dod as Jesus X recovers and holds the title, looking over at ZODIAK in disbelief.

ZODIAK: This was what you wanted.

*Jesus X pauses and looks down at the title*

Jesus X: Not like this.. We made that deal so long ago, I had forgotten about it.

ZODIAK: I never forget, and neither will you.

ZODIAK laughs as he and OdZ head to the back, leaving a stunned Jesus X in the ring holding the Spunk Pro Heavyweight Championship..

1. Strike Force (Brad Wolf(X)/Lee Stone) (29:08 - Small Package) La Cosa Nostra (Ted Zannino(O)/Rick Briggs)
2. Matt D (15:44 - Crossbody) Camillo del Noche(O)
3. Big T/Dan Sommers(X) (23:11 - Small Package) Celtic Bruisers (Sean Gabriel(O)/Paddy Baker)
4. Spunk Pro Tag Team Championship: OdZ (ZODIAK(O)/DEMOS)(C) (14:32 - Avalanche Demon Driver) VIOLENCE (YUSUKE/Shogo Otsuka(X))
5. Lester Bourbon (21:42 - Bourbon St. Slam) Ken Shields
6. Spunk Pro Heavyweight Championship: Jack Dod(C)(X) (14:03 - Pinfall) Jesus X(O)

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