7.14.06 - RI Indoor Sports Arena (Warwick, RI) - 1,230 fans (Super No Vacancy)
Tonight saw the finish to the Spunk Pro Contender's Tournament, as well as lots of other HOT SPUNK PRO ACTION~!! Ken Hunt opens the show with a ceremonial squash of Rusty Chodes, possibly making a new yellow spot on his tights from the impact of the spear that Hunt nailed him with. The Oni Del Zokugai once again faced off with Dink and Martha, this time the totall annihilation of Martha Dumptruck happened before Dink's prone eyes as he was handcuffed to the ropes and couldn't help. DEMOS brought clippers to the ring with him like he has in the past and began to shave Martha's head until the ring crew freed Dink who made the save on his girlfriend, who now is missing chunks of hair.
The big semi-finals for the tourney start now, as Alabama Dan pulls off a HUGE victory over WILD International Champion Sean Gabriel. Mr. T made himself clear in the crowd early on, still shook up by his loss to Gabriel, and chased Seamus to the back. It was a tough, stiff match that saw Alabama Dan bring out a new move; the Go 2 Alabama, which is a fireman's carry -> Knee to the fucking face, that floored the fans and got Gabriel down for the 3-count. Locust Star and Lester took center stage next, as the winner will go on later tonight to face Dan to see who the number one contender will be! Lester used his main event offense, but this just irked Locust Star, who proceeded to stiff the ever-living shit out of Lester. Lester kept fighting, though, as his teammates from the T-Team rallied around him at ringside. The ref finally had to stop the match after a flurry of high kicks from Locust Star leaving Lester prone on the mat, with LS driving knees into his head. This leaves us with a finals of Locust Star and Alabama Dan, the winner to face 001 for the Spunk Pro Heavyweight Championship!
VIOLENCE faced off with Strike Force next in a match that had the fans going wild, only for the time limit to expire on them, as the 30 minutes simply flew by. Both teams believe they should be in line for a shot at the tag titles, and after tonight many of the fans agreed that both teams deserve a shot. Wataru Araya came out and laid out an open challenge for anybody to challenge him for his title, which brought out Stuart Robinson and VD Dod, the LRI duo that terrorizes everything. Wataru stepped up to Stuart, but Stuart informed him that he couldn't make weight for the 'midget title' he held, but that VD would be glad to oblige. The challenge was set, and both men went at it. VD brawled his way to looking like he had the match won, but Araya never showed any signs of giving in. He kept working over his knee the whole match, and at the right time scores the Firehook and VD is forced to tap out! This sets the stage for the tournament finals; Locust Star vs Alabama Dan! The atmosphere is tense as both men come out, Locust Star as always, cool under the mask, while Dan knows this is one of the biggest matches of his career. Dan fought his heart out, but in the end it was a sick left-arm lariat from Locust Star that completely knocked him loopy, and the ref refused to let the match continue for his safety. Ladies and gentlemen, Locust Star vs 001 will be coming to a Spunk Pro arena near you! Dan gets to his feet and gets a rousing round of applause for fighting his best, as Marakuso comes out and thanks the fans for coming, sending them home happy.
1. Ken Hunt (2:04 - Spear) Rusty Chodes
2. OdZ (DEMOS/RUINER)(O) (14:54 - Revalations) Dink/Martha(X)
3. Semi-Final: Alabama Dan (24:07 - Go 2 Alabama) Sean Gabriel
4. Semi-Final: Locust Star (18:22 - TKO) Lester "T" Bourbon
5. VIOLENCE (YUSUKE/Shogo Otsuka(^)) (30:00 - Draw) Strike Force (Brad Wolf/Lee Stone(^))
6. Spunk Pro Junior Championship: Wataru Araya (13:35 - Firehook) VD Dod
7. Final: Locust Star (10:26 - Lariat -> KO) Alabama Dan
7.26.06 - TF Green Airport Hangar 12 (Warwick, RI) - 794 fans
The opening bout saw James Ray, Ti'en's first disciple face off with PTFO master Pete Batfarti, and score a quick and impressive 5 takedowns on Pete, giving him the easy victory over the former Olypian-Alternate Wrestler. Ray said he has a purpose for advancing on Spunk Pro, as he has been watching Bobo Gomez and demands a shot at his title. Bobo came out, and never one to back down from a fight accepts his challenge. Wataru and Wilkes took it to the young dragon team of Johnson and Hunt, with Hunt falling to a enzui->lightning cradle from Wilkes in a quick bout. DEMOS completely obliterated Martha Dumptruck in a match that
she requested. He nailed the Shining Enzuiguri, followed by the Pedigree and the SIDS Clutch to put her away. After the match, he brings out the clippers again as MAX and RUINER hold her back, and proceeds to shave her head with it as she balls her eyes out, only for Dink to come out a minute too late to make the save. Dink is emotional as he tries to attack OdZ, only to be subdued. As they walk to the back, DEMOS holding Martha's multi-colored-Hardy-Boy-esque hair up, Dink grabs a microphone and challenges DEMOS; his hair vs DEMOS' mask. DEMOS laughs and agrees; MASCARA CONTRA CABALLERA COMING TO A SPUNK PRO SHOW NEAR YOU!
The T-Team wants a piece of Sean Gabriel, but Gabriel isn't exactly the most warmly welcomed guy in the back, so finding a tag partner was quite a hassle. Finally he just rounded up resident job-man Dick Doode, Dick falling to Mr. T's might rather quickly, leaving Gabriel fuming. Mr. T and Lester have a good laugh at this, as Sean proceeds to beat the ever-living shit out of Doode while McFadden eggs him on. Mr. T tells Gabriel he wants his ass in the ring at the next show, and Gabriel, worked up accepts as Seamus comes out and scolds him for being hasty, as they slink to the back. The fans get their wish, as Strike Force gets their tag shot against the WTST, but fall short in a hard-fought bout after Dan uses his new killer-tech, the Go 2 Alabama on the huge Lee Stone, proving the Walking Talking Stereotypes to be the greatest tag team we've seen in Spunk Pro in a long, long time. Our main event pitted contender Locust Star and the MYSTERIOUS DECEPTICON MASK (OMFG WHO COULD IT BE!?!?) against champion 001 and D. D once again falls to Locust Star, taking the Locust Spike and essentially being knocked out by it as he makes the easy pinfall on him. 001 seems to be going into a fit of rage, and punches a fan with emo hair in the mouth, inciting a near-riot in Warwick! It was the unlikely Locust Star who holds 001 back and calms him down, as we leave a riled up crowd more confused than ever, as our next show will have them fighting each other! WONKY!
1. I-Style: James Ray (3:45 - TKO) Pete Batfarti
2. Wataru Araya/Travis Wilkes(O) (10:06 - Lightning Cradle) Tom Johnson/Ken Hunt(X)
3. DEMOS (2:05 - SIDS Clutch) Martha Dumptruck
4. The T-Team (Mr. T(O)/Lester "T" Bourbon) (:14 - B.A.D.) Sean Gabriel/Dick Doode(X)
5. Spunk Pro Tag Championship: WTST (Alabama Dan(O)/Hobo Joe)(C) (26:55 - Go 2 Alabama) Strike Force (Brad Wolf/Lee Stone(X))
6. Locust Star(O)/Decepticon Mask (20:10 - Locust Spike) 001/D(X)
Spunk Pro - Wills Dissolve (Date REALLY FUCKING SOON!)
1. Sexual Deviantz (Pete Batfarti/Goat Banga) vs Tom Johnson/Ken Hunt
2. Lee Stone vs Hobo Joe
Spunk Pro International Championship: Bobo Gomez (C) vs James Ray (I-Style Camp)
5. Sean Gabriel vs Mr. T
Mascara Contra Cabellera: DEMOS vs Dink
Spunk Pro Heavyweight Championship: 001 (c) vs Locust Star