Championships: Pro-Wrestling WILD Heavyweight Championship, C-CWA Heavyweight Championship (3), 3W World Championship, GWF Tag Team Championship, AVN Championship (2), Spunk Pro World Championship, Spunk Pro Tag Championship (with Shogo Otsuka)
Finisher: Jagerbomb (Wild Bomb)
Specialties: Double Stomp
Saikyo High kick
ClimaX German Suplex
Spunk, founder of Spunk Pro and head trainer of the Spunk Pro gym leads his team of trainees; Spunk-Gun in Spunk Pro. One-time holder of the Spunk Pro Championship (formerly Terminus Championship) and creator of the AVN (Adult Video News) Championship. Former porn actor, mafia member and avid dancer, now has focused himself on the art of fighting and honor.

Championships: Spunk Pro Juniorheavyweight Championship, Spunk Pro Tag Championship (with Spunk)
Finisher: Shogo MAX-Cross (Hanging jujigatame)
Specialties: Shogo MAX Cutter (Yokosuka Cutter)
Shogo MAX I (Standing Reverse Armbar)
Shogo MAX II (Modified Oomaplata)
Shogo Otsuka comes from Japan, with a strong background in jiu-jitsu and kickboxing. Trained originally in Japan, then came to the Spunk Pro gym to train with Spunk for a brief while before entering the EFW Dojo. Shogo graduated the EFW Dojo only to return to Spunk Pro and become the junior ace.

Finisher: Dragon Suplex
Specialties: MAXIMUM German Suplex (High Angle German)
STO Bomber
Ankle Lock
YU-Roll (Rolling Olympic Hell)
YUSUKE is the super rookie of Spunk Pro. Only debuting in September of 2005, and already being pushed and involved in major angles. Uncanny in-ring ability mixed with natural charisma led to Spunk debuting YUSUKE earlier than most of the other trainees. YUSUKE's first fued was with none other than Spunk Pro figurehead Mr. T!
Ministry X

Championships: Spunk Pro Heavyweight Championship
Finisher: Sign of the Cross (Cross Arm TF Bomb)
Crucifixion of the Damned (Cobra Clutch Crossface)
Final Cut
Jesus X is one of Spunk's original two trainees, and current reigning Spunk Pro Champion, holding the title for well over a year now. Jesus X's rise is of epic proportions, as he and his brother D were prominent mid-carders until Jesus X weaseled his way into getting a title shot against newly crowned champion, Dink. Jesus X then unleashed his "Seven Deadly Sins" campaign on Spunk Pro, ending it by removing Spunk, his greatest threat from Spunk Pro!
Jesus X's background is a mystery, as is his twin brother's. Jesus X has some sort of mind control over his followers, and claims to be the 10th incarnation of Jesus Christ, whose purpose on earth is to make believers out of the unworthy, and warn of the upcoming apocalypse through the medium of violence.

Championships: AVN Championship
Finisher: Ballad of Fallen Angels (Western Lariat)
Specialties: Last Fantasy of Christ (Burning Hammer)
Death Valley Bomb
Prophet's Call (Gorilla Clutch)
Moonsault Press
D (now Prophet D) was Spunk's first trainee, and his hand-picked ace for Spunk Pro. The gimmick of D was Spunk's initial gimmick when he worked indies, with D himself being a huge fan, later trained with Spunk. Spunk gave him the gimmick and his blessings, only for D in 2005 to side with his mortal enemy, his brother and turn on Spunk. He became impatient, and saw Spunk as stealing his spotlight by granting himself a shot at his brother after defeating D in the trial series. D's trial series was him building himself up to finally dethrone his brother and take his place as the ace of Spunk Pro. Instead, he saw Spunk taking his place, and holding him back, leading him to defect to his brother and cost Spunk the title in his match with Jesus X. This soon led to a fued between the two, climaxing in a loser leaves town match, with D defeating his mentor finally, excising Spunk from Spunk Pro.

Finisher: Infinity Bomb (Miracle Extascy)
Specialties: Chokeslam
Wildbomb Whip
Iron Claw Bomb
There really isn't much known about 001. 001 is the pet project of Jesus X, and his first disciple. He has been used as his tool of destruction, and enforcer. Many a match has been won for Jesus X because of this monster. Its been hinted at that 001 himself doesn't know who he is, or that he even has the ability to think or feel on his own. Lately has been in a slump, which Jesus X has not been happy about.

Finisher: Crucifixion Driver (Complete Dust)
Specialties: Iconoclasm
X-face (Crippler Crossface)
Electric Chair Drop
Imago X is the rookie disciple of the Ministry, and Jesus X is pushing him as his answer to YUSUKE. Imago X has proven to be a sound technical wrestler with a streak of brutality.
The T-Team
The T-Team is a team of rag-tag misfits living out the A-Team dream in Spunk Pro. They are fighting for youth centers everywhere, as well as equality in the unfair work environments due to their skin color. Racism, and trying to ruin youth centers is not a good idea around the T-Team.

Championships: Spunk Pro World Championships (2), Spunk Pro Tag Championship (with Lester "T" Bourbon)
Finisher: B.A.D. [Bad Attitude Drop] (Chichibu Cement)
Specialties: T-Bagger (Ore Ga Taue)
Last Ride
Boxing skills
Mr. T is, well, Mr. T. Obviously, he is not the real Mr. T, but nobody wants to actually tell him that. His backstory is foggy, but he is a monster, at well over 7 feet tall. One of the original figureheads of Spunk Pro (formerly Terminus Pro) and an incredible boxer to accent his monster skills. Went through a bout of amnesia where he believed he was Clubber Lang and then BA Baracus. When he finally came to, he formed a team with Lester Bourbon due to being held down by the man. This team was not the A-Team, oh no, it was the T-Team. The T-Team was formerly Booker T and Mr. T, but Booker T started getting booked on WWE TV again, and was forced to pull out of his indy bookings. Easily the most dominant champion in our history.

Championships: 3W World Champion, 3W Tag Champion (with Jive Mac), Spunk Pro Tag Team Champion (with Mr. T)
Finisher: Axe Bomber
Specialties: Ped-O-Gree (pedigree)
Big Boot -> Atomic Leg Drop
Pounce Bomber (Diving Tackle/Axe Bomber combo)
Main Event Sleeper
Lester "T" Bourbon is one of the most storied members of Spunk Pro. Originally coming in for a few spot appearances fueding with former 3W member Renegade, and then with Druid and his Bozac Army. Had epic fueds with Spunk in both 3W and Pro-Wrestling WILD before coming to Spunk Pro. When Lester hadn't been elevated yet, he decided to join forces with Mr. T and fight the obvious racism being used against him for being orange (a man has to keep his Hogan tan up). Large Hulk Hogan and Monty Brown fan, adopted the middle T to fit into his new role.

Championships: Spunk Pro International Championship
Finisher: B2B B2B [Back2Back Belly2Back] (double belly-to-back)
Specialties: Flawless Backdrop Hold
Flawless Backdrop
Jumping Knee
Bobo Gomez was originally a hobo.. that fought hobos. Lester and Mr. T were looking for a new enforcer when he sort of popped out of the garbage, and they instantly fell in love with him. He has now taken Spunk Pro by storm, being involved in one of 2005's top fueds with Brad Wolf.
Oni del Zokugai

Finisher: SIDS (Sudden Infant Death) Clutch (Onryo Clutch)
Specialties: Shining Kenka Kick
Sitout Powerbomb
Double Arm Facebuster
Poison Mist
DEMOS is still new on the scene, but an incredible junior force. Debuted in Bozac Pro against Dink and his girlfriend Martha Dumptruck, causes Martha to have a miscarriage in the ring using the SIDS Clutch! Was launched into rudo stardom afterwards, and formed the group dubbed by fans as Zokugai!

Championships: Spunk Pro Juniorheavyweight Championship
Finisher: MAX Lock (Just Facelock)
Dangerous German Suplex
High Bridge German Suplex Hold
Avalanche German Suplex
Amateur-turned-pro MAX was originally a tag team with Shogo Otsuka, until MAX's jealousy overcame him. MAX turned on Shogo and ever since has tried to exact his revenge on him, aligning himself with group after group, until finally capturing the gold against Shogo and aligning with DEMOS and RUINER to form Zokugai.

Finisher: R-75 (Volcanic Eruption)
Revalations (F-5)
Sliding Kenka Kick
Complete Shot
RUINER came in at the same time as DEMOS as his henchman. While still a junior is very powerful for his size, and proven to be a destructive force in his short amount of time in the Spunk Pro universe.
Walking Talking Stereotypes

Championships: Spunk Pro Tag Team Championship (with Hobo Joe) (x2)
Tag Finisher: Southern Death Drop (S2D -- Powerbomb/Neckbreaker)
Finisher: Alabama Kneelift (Takayama-style knee lift)
Specialties: Alabama Clutch (Gedo clutch)
Alabama Hangover (Rocker Drop)
Alabama Death Drop (Reverse DDT)
Deliverance Lock (Fuyuki Stretch)
Alabama Dan is one of the most accomplished wrestlers in Spunk Pro, as a part of the Walking Talking Stereotypes. Cousin of junior legend, Dink, and adopted blood brother with Hobo Joe. Alabama Dan is just an Alabama Man with an Alabama Plan, looking for mischief, anal sex and asskickery wherever he goes. Brawling, bar beating, candid photographs and being a bad ass are his forte.

Championships: Spunk Pro Tag Championship (with Alabama Dan) (x2)
Tag Finisher: S2D
Finisher: Shopping Cart Shuffle (Sliding Powerbomb Hold)
Specialties: Blowing Fire
Various Chokes
Various Headbutts
Mandible Claw
Hobo Joe is a very, very odd case. Joe took him in, as he was hungry on the streets, and both of them just caused havoc wherever they went. Together they form the most dominant team in Spunk Pro history, who briefly split but are back together, kicking ass!
Physical Speciminz

Championships: Bozac-Gun Tag Championship, Spunk Pro Tag Championship (with Shakin' Tom)
Finisher: Jewhammer (Jackhammer)
Specialties: Spear
Roll the Kosher Dice
Super Spinny Move (Turbo Drop II)
Super Jew is almost inhuman, and was driven out of Spunk Pro due to suspected steroid abuse, when he refused to take a test he was fired. Soon he got picked up by Druid to work for Bozac Pro, where him and Tom have had a good run. But they wanted revenge, and returned to Spunk Pro with more fire than before!

Championships: Bozac-Gun Tag Championship, Spunk Pro Tag Championship (with Super Jew)
Finisher: Shakin' Splash (running body press)
Shakin' Press Slam
Ulimate Warrior moves
Roid Rage (he flips out and beats the fuck out of anyone in his sight)
Shakin' Tom is a bodybuilder, who claims to be steroid free, as well as a huge Ultimate Warrior fan. Yeah, right.
Sexual Deviantz/Team PTFO

Finisher: PTFO Press (Body Press)
Olympic Slam
Super PTFO Press
Belly to Belly Suplex
Karate Moves
Pete Batfarti has a storied past, and some believe to be the father of Dink. He is the actual father of Martha Dumptruck (currently retired due to misscarriage), and convicted sex offender. Has a thing for small boys, food and tons of other things. Was on the US Olympic team for wrestling, only to not make the cut, due to Kurt Angle and Matt Ghaffari being, you know, better than him. Soon after became a gym teacher and got as fat as can be. Has recently opened up a Mixed Martial Arts school and produced his own Mexican version of TUF, and is pretty damned shady.

Finisher: Banga Bomb (Orange Crush)
Various Powerbombs
Former minister from Alabama who got caught on film by Alabama Dan and Hobo Joe having sex with a goat. Whoops.

Championships: C-CWA Junior Heavyweight Championship, Spunk Pro World Championship, FPN Championship
Finisher: Code Dink
Specialties: w@nt@n b@mbE (Swanton Bomb)
Twyst of F@ytE (Twist of Fate)
Sk0000000000000 boi (Jackknife Schoolboy)
What can be said about Dink? He is a young, somewhat retarded Jeff Hardy fanatic. He somehow scored an upset victory to capture the Spunk Pro World Championship in a Triple Threat over 001, then beat Mr. T in a rematch, only to be fallen by Jesus X.
Strike Force

Championships: Spunk Pro International Championship
Finisher: Wolfhammer (British Fall)
Elevated Wolfhammer (Vert Rev DDT)
Wolf's Bite (Lanzarse)
Brad Wolf came in and made a splash almost instantly, taking the International Championship from dojo-master Manakuro Marakuso. Wolf dominated the mid-card until Bobo T Gomez was able to take the strap off of him.

Finisher: Granite Dust (Powerslam -> Scrapbuster)
Specialties: Scrap Buster
Full Nelson Slam
Lee Stone is a tough-as-nails former infantry man, who served under Brad Wolf in Desert Storm. Wolf upon needing a tag partner in Spunk Pro called upon his services, and while he hasn't made a huge impact yet, his future looks bright.
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