
Spunk Promotions REAL '08

After a long layover, Spunk Pro has decided to throw a bone to fans, a one night, one off tournament under what has been described as REAL rules. The rules are as follows:

5 Rounds
3 Minute Rounds
Each fighter has 10 points
1 Point deduction for a Takedown
1 Point deduction for a Knockdown
1 Point deduction for a Ropebreak 
KO or Submission ends the Fight

The Brackets are as follows:

Spunk vs. Stuart Robinson
Rick Briggs vs. Paddy Baker
Sean Gabriel vs. Ted Zannino
YUSUKE vs. Dan Sommers

Spunk vs. Stuart Robinson: 
R1. Spunk taking it to Stu early on, with an assault of mid kicks followed by a jumping high kick, Robinson absorbing most of the blow and coming back with a big right hand, Robinson goes for his signature low blow -- legal in this contest -- only to be met with a high kick! Robinson down! The first point deduction and he stays down for a 3 count, only dazed. Some more back and forth, Stuart able to daze him and goes for the Burning Lariat! Spunk catches it and has a wakigatame! Stuart is forced to reach for the rope break, putting him down 2 points now! Robinson is furious, as he is brushing off all of these attacks now, even getting peppered in the face with step kicks. Robinson with a brutal low kick on Spunk, and as Spunk is getting up he uses his own move, the face kick against him! Spunk is down! Spunk is DOWN! The ref is counting.. 1...2...3....4....5.....6....7.....8....9! HE IS UP! That was incredibly close, Spunk with a few elbows and follows up with an overhead throw to cost Robinson another point. The round winding down, Robinson charges and -- CATCHES A SAVATE KICK! HE IS DOWN! The ref starts to count, but the bell saves Robinson.

Spunk 9 - Robinson 6

R2. Spunk looks to finish things early charging at Stuart with a lariat of his own, Stuart ducks, only to be met with another Savate Kick! Down! He gets up at the 7, and one has to think his ribs are hurting him now. Spunk goes to throw a midkick and Stuart slips through the ropes, knowing the legalities of these rules and that this is a no-man's land. Wait, he is running up the rope, this is most unorthodox! He is going for a flying lariat! Spunk catches him and slams him down! Stuart down to 4 points now! Spunk quickly slaps on an armbar! Stuart is able to wrangle up enough strength to break free and not let him hyperextend. Spunk going back to the ribs as he gets him in a thai clinch and starts driving knees into the midsection, Robinson able to stagger away, but that deadly Savate Kick catches him again! This could be it! No! He is up at 7, but down to 3 points! Stuart rallying with some chops and jumping high kick! It sends Stuart flying out of the ring, that would have been a point if Stuart stayed in, but now he gets his recovery time and no penalty! Spunk looks furious with the ref! Stuart back in and looking leery and Spunk quick to pounce with some elbows, HIGH KICK! Another point, and Stuart struggling to get to his feet, 20 seconds left in this round and he is down to two points! Spunk smells blood as Stuart gets up, a stiff knee to the ribs and another high kick! He wants him to stay down! Stuart up at 9! Spunk dashes at him but the ref holds him back with 2 seconds on the clock as the round winds down, and Spunk looks livid! Why was the ref holding him back, he had 2 seconds for the kill!

Spunk 9 - Robinson 1

R3. Spunk looks to end it quickly with a high kick, and Robinson ducks under, then meets him with a right hand! Vertical Suplex!  Robinson gains a takedown point! Spunk gets up and the look on his face is one of a man who lost a point when he didn't need to, this only forces him to throw another Savate Kick, which meets the ribs of Robinson dead on as he staggers back, trying to grip the ropes, but it was too much, the damage to his ribs is too much for him! He is down! This one is over!

Spunk (R3 :20 - TKO (Points)) Robinson

Rick Briggs vs. Paddy Baker:
R1. A fued that has been built up in the pro wrestling ranks becomes REAL, as it looks like Baker is no-nonsense as he comes out in what looks to be an ancient wrestling singlet, but as we know, Baker does coach high school wrestling, so we can only expect him to be looking for the takedown points and the submissions. Briggs goes for a flying knee, only for the crafty Baker to step out of the way and grab hold of him from behind, simply manhandling him to the mat with a backdrop suplex! Baker with the first point and he backs off, looking pleased with himself. Briggs, ego bruised offers a knuckle lock with Baker, who gladly obliges. Baker pushes and pushes until he gets Briggs' shoulders to the mat, but there are no pinfalls in REAL rules, Paddy!  Briggs pushes back up, and ooh, a low knee to the groin and he tosses Baker over his shoulder! Briggs with a point!  Baker is furious! Right hand sends Briggs crashing into the ropes, and a headbutt sends him over! Once again we see a man saved from losing a point due to falling through the ropes, and Baker is pissed. Baker with a few punches and a gutwrench throw! Another point loss and Baker quickly hops on him looking for the kimura hold! Briggs loses the point and might have to submit! Briggs, it looks like, just punched Baker in the balls while the ref wasn't looking! It was enough to get Baker off of him! Baker stands up and is met by a lariat that stuns him and a right hand that sends him crashing through the ropes! A lot of clinching ends the first round.

Baker 9 - Briggs 8

R2. Baker wastes no time with a headbutt and another on Briggs, he grabs both legs and drops him, flipping him over into a Boston Crab! Briggs is forced to the ropes and gives up his third point! Baker's wrestling skills are getting the better of Briggs here. Briggs gets up and into an overhead throw for another point! Baker is on fire! Briggs shoots a double that Baker stuffs, he goes to throw Baker and rebound, but Baker drops a double hammer blow to down him. Baker quickly follows up with a very Stu Hart-ish armbar, only for Briggs to have to put his foot on the ropes again, this old shooter is making a fool of him! Baker up 9 - 5 now, only 30 seconds into this round! Briggs goes for a punch, but Baker catches it and lands a BRUTAL headbutt! Then another! Briggs down! Briggs down to 4 points and the ref is counting him down! He stays down for 5 before shaking the cobwebs, he goes for another punch when he is on his feet, but Baker catches it, flips him around into a crossface chickenwing! This old shooter has a lot of tricks! Briggs has some of his own, with a kick to the balls that the ref didn't see again! Baker recovering as Briggs is pounding on him in the corner, only for Baker to shoot another double into a boston crab, not sure how that isn't a takedown point, but Briggs forced to rope break again, Briggs down to 3! Baker working headbutts again, and he has him in a standing Stretch Plum! Briggs is trying to fight to the ropes, but he can't handle the pain anymore and has tapped out!

Baker (R2 2:14 - Submission (Stretch Plum)) Briggs

Baker goes on to face Spunk in the next round, which should be an incredible match up, modern shoot wrestling vs. old shoot wrestling! Baker will be the fresher of the two, as well!

Sean Gabriel vs. Ted Zannino:
R1. So here we are in another bitter rivalry taken to the REAL. Both men have shown up looking like they are entering into a street fight; fists heavily taped, t-shirts still on! They start off hockey clinching until Ted gets a right hand! Sean looks dazed! He slaps on a sleeper hold! Gabriel is out! Gabriel, the Celtic Bruiser is OUT!

Ted Zannino (R1 :53 - TKO (Sleeper)) Sean Gabriel

Nobody is quite sure what we just saw, except that the toughest man in Spunk Pro is laid out in the middle of the canvas and Ted Zannino moves on to the next round! Maybe Zannino's submission skills are just that good? Was Zannino's first loaded? I'm sure officials are going to be grilling him as well as looking over the rules, but with both men with taped fists it will be hard to argue.

YUSUKE vs. Dan Sommers:
R1. This is a fight that every fan is looking forward to; Dan Sommers, the World Champion and top level brawler and boxer against YUSUKE, accomplished submission expert and noted kickboxer. Sommers starts off taunting YUSUKE who comes at him with a wheel kick, only for Sommers to throw a dropkick at that, which is very New Japan juniors 1997. Sommers throws another dropkick and YUSUKE just eats it, following with a Maeda-esque kneel kick that Sommers catches, only for an Inoki-esque sweep kick to trip him. Lots of homages. Sommers going for a straight right, YUSUKE blocks it, going for a Bas Rutten palm blow and Sommers ducks and headbutts him! Scorpion Deathlock! YUSUKE able to power out with his tough legs. Sommers quickly trips him again, spits in the ref's eyes, kicks YUSUKE square in the balls while the ref is distracted and locks it in again! YUSUKE is scrambling for the ropes, but Sommers pulls him back and YUSUKE is forced to submit!

Dan Sommers (R1 1:49 - Submission (Scorpion Deathlock)) YUSUKE

What looks to be another upset of sorts, but Dan Sommers IS the Spunk Pro Heavyweight Champion, and tonight he proved that. Sommers goes on to face Ted Zannino who scored the even quicker submission victory.

Round 2!

Spunk vs. Paddy Baker:
R1. With how this night has shaped up, nobody knows what to expect of this fight, except that it will be REAL! Spunk keeps his distance to start with the mid kicks, followed by a kneel kick! Baker quick to his feet and follows up with a headbutt! Baker goes for a german suplex throw, but Spunk rolls through, he goes for a front kick, Baker catches it! He trips Spunk down, but Spunk quickly to his feet, Spunk with a double into an overhead throw for our first point! Right into an armbar! Baker forced to grab the ropes! Spunk looks for a high kick, Baker ducks under, HEADBUTT! Spunk goes down! Spunk goes down! He goes down for a 3 count only, it is Spunk 9, Baker 8! Spunk thai clinches and is kneeing the ribs, going for the same gameplan he had for Robinson! He follows with that deadly Savate Kick, but Baker doesn't go down! Baker, a proponent for core strength as opposed to flashy gym exercises has just proven what core strength can endure! The same with headbutts! Then a monkey flip!?!? Wow. Another point, we are tied! Spunk rushes Baker and ties him up, pushing him against the ropes and into an armbar! Baker forced to get the break!  Baker back up, and Spunk with a nice double leg takedown, Baker's head bouncing off the mat! Spunk mounts him with ease, using his jiu-jitsu and flows into another armbar! Spunk looking for the submission, he straightens his hips out and the ref pulls them apart! Spunk celebrates as the bell rings, until the ref tells him time simply ran out on the round!

Spunk 8 - Baker 6

R2. Spunk starts off with a Savate Kick! Baker still standing! Another! Still standing! The fans are going crazy! He hits another and Baker is down! Baker up at the 5, and quickly shoots in and gutwrench suplexes him to the mat for a point! Spunk is furious as he stands up and just high kicks Baker, who falls back into the ropes with a giant gash opened over his head! Spunk locks in a boston crab! Baker scrambles to the ropes, bloody and battered! Down to 4 points! He stands up and walks right into a high kick! I don't think he can see anymore! He goes down! 3 points and he gets up at 5 again, Baker is more guts than brains! Spunk sweeps him off of his feet and goes for another armbar, and Baker with another break, 2 points! Spunk might win on points again, something we know he is not looking for, as he wants to end this fight! Baker up and headbutts Spunk! BLOOD! He just returned the favor! Savate Kick with FURY, and Baker still up, Spunk looks furious, ANOTHER! Baker down to one point as the ref counts him down. Baker up at 7! Spunk looking to end this with a high kick, but Baker falls through the ropes to save his skin. Baker is a bloody mess now, as Spunk's cut looks to be right under his eye, Baker's is right over it. They might need to stop this! Baker pushes the ref away who is trying to inspect his cut, and there it is! The Savate Kick! Baker down! This is over!

Spunk (R2 2:01 - TKO (Points)) Paddy Baker

Spunk's second victory, his assurance to move onto the finals with another TKO by points victory. Some might say his kickboxing isn't looking as good as usual, but it is good enough to get him into the finals of the very first REAL tournament!

Gabriel is helping clean up Paddy's cut as he yells at the cameras that he was robbed, that Zannino had a loaded fist and that it was "bloody bullshit!" Apparently Zannino was cleared by the Athletic Commission, though, as our next fight between Zannino and Spunk Pro Heavyweight Champion Dan Sommers is underway!

Ted Zannino vs. Dan Sommers:
R1. One has to think that Sommers has an advantage, being champion and all, but Zannino scored a flawless win over his arch-nemesis. They square off, and Zannino looks to take aim with his newly found DEADLY FIST, and Sommers moves out of the way, then charges at him with a BLOCKBUSTER of a knee to the face! It catches Zannino square on the jaw! Zannino down! Zannino down! The ref starts to count, but Zannino is not moving! This one is over!

Dan Sommers (R1 :20 - KO (Knee Strike)) Ted Zannino


Spunk vs. Dan Sommers:
R1. When you look at these men, one clearly has an advantage, with Sommers coming off of two quick wins, one a submission the other an incredible knockout, and Spunk coming off of two incredibly hard fought TKO victories that he had to earn all of, with a nasty cut under his eye. Both men apprehensive, with some boxing from a distance, not really scoring, HIGH KICK! Sommers only goes down for a 2! Sommers walks right into another! What a way to start the finals! The fans are on their feet! Sommers still only down for 2! Sommers gets caught with a midkick and slips through the ropes and the fans are livid, as is Spunk! Sommers walks in, to, well, WRATH of the Savate Kick! Sommers down for a 5! Sommers up and Spunk trips him, then a few knees to the head as he tries to get up -- FACE KICK! There it is! He was looking for that all night, and there it is! 7.....8....9....10! HE IS DONE! 

Spunk (R1 2:01 - TKO (Face Kick)) Dan Sommers

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